The Second Amendment restricts the Government from infringing on the people’s right to arm themselves against criminals and tyrants. It puts no restrictions on the people. It doesn’t give us the right... View MoreThe Second Amendment restricts the Government from infringing on the people’s right to arm themselves against criminals and tyrants. It puts no restrictions on the people. It doesn’t give us the right to defend ourselves. That is an inalienable right given to us by God. The 2nd Amendment restrains the Government, NOT the people. What the Democrats in Congress are currently attempting to do is high treason against the rights of the American people. We need to resist them by every lawful means.
Don't rely on the DOJ to fix this... Tell your governor to inform their congress members that IF they vote FOR "gun control" they will be arrested for TREASON, and prosecuted IN THE STATE THEY REPRESENT. Life in prison OR the death penalty will be the only two options.