I'm married to my wife, I am loyal as a dog, to my wife, and only my wife
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United States Constitution
12 days till voting, I o ly vote in person and I WILL ONLY VOTE REPUBLICAN, If in local elections there's a Democrat only, I will not mark that spot
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Welm guys, I don't work at the dot equipment shop in Ahoskie anymore today my transfer came through, I now work in the dot equipment shop in Jackson, instead of 18 miles one way I now drive 11😁, I've... View More
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So I watched the CBS Saturday show this morning, the socialistic democrats will not let us forget jan6th, they say it was a bad thing, but isrs OK to forget that kamala Harris said the protestor that ... View More
I trust the copperhead I saw yesterday more than the govwrnment
Yea, the copperhead will probably leave you alone, if you leave him alone. The government will come at you for no reason.
I hope the socialistic democrats in North Carolina are happy Mark Robinson is dropping out of the race for governor which makes Josh Stien (a Roy Cooper puppet) the next governor, Cooper dropped out o... View More
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Trump lady shared a photo
I just read a comment on truth social that I just HAD to comment on the post sais "only a fool or a traitor would vote for Harris" my reply was this "not even a fool would vote for comrade kamala, onl... View More
If he stole her badge she should have reported it, if he killed her and took it, kill him if she is in with him she should be killed
2nd Suspect in 2nd Attempt
Just watched Anabell Comes Home, one of the best modern horror movies out there
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THE DEMOCRATS SECOND ATTEMPT ON PRESIDENT TRUMPS LIFE!!!!!!!! get ready everybody the second civil war is on us and will be a hot shooting war soon
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Well I interviewed for the vehicle equipment repair tech 2 position in Jackson NC today, wish me luck yall, even if I don't get the job I'll still beca vert 2 but I'll be in Ahoskie working for a supe... View More
So, England wants to come to America and arrest anybody why says anything bad about England on tictok, the would do well to remember that the United States has kicked their asses twice so far in histo... View More