Founder of Wimkin, Proud Conservative, Proponent of Constitutional Law and Enemy of Hate.
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Status Update
We have a war breaking out in the Middle East, a cyber attack on the US's largest oil pipeline, rising cost of essential goods like oil, fuel, poultry and lumber... And a FED WARNING that inflation is... View More
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Tracy Parrott
You are correct. I understand what these Treasonous Democrats have done to steal the election and what they are currently doing to transform our country. Mark the spoken words of a patriot and the Law, we will see them all hung by their necks.
Michael Blankenship
"Inflation is coming"? Really? I just bought a penny whistle for $10 yesterday. I think we've had inflation for the last hundred years (as controlled by the Rothschild banking family). But, I'm optimistic. I believe that our new NESARA currency will be announced to the general public within four wee... View More
Jason Cleveland
Nevermind Irranian gunboats harassin US warships in the Straits of Hormuz or the humanitarian crisis on the border. Time to stay focussed and not be distracted. Bigger things coming down the pipline, (no pun intended).