Glenn tells the heartbreaking story of a Texas rancher who was killed by a suspected cartel IED while he was driving near his ranch. Glenn lays out the importance of standing up against the cartels who are so willing to take the lives of one of our own. It's simple: the cartels are terrorists, and we must treat them as such. Glenn reacts to radical leftist Rep. Pramila Jayapal's recent meltdown about President Trump cracking down on illegal immigration. "If we don't have this labor, our way of life will crumble." Where have you heard that argument used before? The Left's view on immigration is exploitation masked in progressive "compassion." National Intelligence Director Tulsi Gabbard announced she has fired over 100 intelligence officers who were engaged in sexually deviant chats while on the job.► Click HERE to subscribe to Glenn Beck:►Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV: Connect with Glenn on Social Media: #glennbeckprogram #texasrancher #cartels #cartelied #terrorists #pramilajayapal #illegalimmigration #presidenttrump #progressive #immigration #tulsigabbard #nationalintelligence
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