Armed "Boogaloo Boys" led by Mike Dunn rallied Saturday night at the Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center in Gloucester County, Virginia, where last month four men carried handguns to the local school board meeting and were subsequently arrested by the sheriff's department.Police did not interfere or even show up Saturday."To the officers that are watching this, you violated the Constitution of the United States. Some day you will answer for these violations, if not before man, you will answer to it before God," Mike Dunn says at his first rally in over two years."You disgust us. You are not our brothers," he tells police. "You have no right to fly our flag. You have no right to be an American. You are tories, redcoats, and not patriots."In addition to risking the same felony charges faced by their friends for carrying firearms at the school board, the Boogaloos held an armed prayer ceremony to criticize the Virginia law (in some cases) making it a misdemeanor to carry a firearm in a house of worship.A handful of apparently local counter-protesters showed up to criticize the Boogaloos: "Everybody likes our Second Amendment but get off of our school property with it."While in agreement about disliking Mike Dunn, they began arguing with themselves over support for police."I'm unarmed," the Boogaloo preacher said approaching one woman concerned about the armed event.The two prayed together for a while, before she explained that she is a gun owner and Democrat but "there's a place and time for everything" and she doesn't think guns at a school board meeting are appropriate."You don't have to carry your AR's in this town!" she says. "This is home, and I have never felt threatened in this town."The two hugged it out in the end, but she choked up speaking to a Washington Post reporter, saying "we can have a civil conversation, we don't need the guns."The concerned woman hugged but confronted Mike Dunn: "Why in my town? Why do you have to come here?""You can have a peaceful demonstration, and you don't need to bring that," she said, gesturing to his rifle.Mike describes it as a deterrent to police aggression."You can just have a pistol, I don't like AR's," she says.Mike describes that the men who got arrested for carrying at the school board (in this same location) only had pistols."I am worried about the fact that we have to give up rights for the safety of law enforcement - or supposed safety," Mike says.Mike also disputes that this facility where the school board meets is school property.The two shook hands and hugged in spite of their disagreement. "I'll probably face a felony charge after this, I don't know," Mike Dunn said as the rally wrapped up where his group carried firearms on the same property four men were charged with felonies last month for carrying firearms on at the school board meeting.I asked Mike what he'll do if an arrest warrant is issued. "If they press charges, they're gonna have to deal with us," he says. He won't describe specifics."We're going home alive, which is a success," he said before packing it up."ICE" from Virginia Kekoas says "hopefully they [the police] don't do anything stupid."Filmed by Ford FischerNO REUSE WITHOUT PERMISSION Please contact Ford Fischer at or call (573) 575-NEWS to license video. Photos and additional footage may be available upon request.Support News2Share on Patreon: Thanks to Patreon Contributors Jessica M and Judith Lucca ShaneSee more at
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