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Christian Documentary | God's Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Highlights)Brimming with wickedness and adultery, the two great cities of Sodom and Gomorrah provoked the disposition of God. God rained brimstone and fire from the heavens, razing the cities and the people within them to ashes, and causing them to vanish amid His wrath…. Watch Christian movie clip God's Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to find out more about God's wrathful, inviolable disposition and His warning to future generations.Please note: All videos on this channel are available to view free of charge. Uploading, modifying, distorting, or excerpting any videos from The Church of Almighty God's YouTube channel by any individual or group without prior authorization is expressly prohibited. The Church of Almighty God reserves the right to pursue any and all legal remedies in the case of any violation of these terms. Please contact us in advance with requests for public dissemination.The Church of Almighty God: of the Descent of the Kingdom: are welcome to download the Apps of The Church of Almighty God.The Church of Almighty God AppGoogle Play: Store: Hymns - New Songs of the KingdomGoogle Play: Store: info@almightygod.churchCredits:
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