WAIT FOR IT… College Student ATTACKS Senator Cruz And This Happened!Get the shirt I'm wearing here: https://geni.us/EtsyStoreGet the cup I’m using here: https://geni.us/TumblersJoin the Gibson Family to support: https://geni.us/ChannelMemberSubscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/DevinGibsonEnjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at https://devingibson.locals.com/supportAll of my links: https://linktr.ee/devingibsonBuy Me A Coffee: https://geni.us/BuyACoffeePatreon: https://geni.us/DevinPatreonPayPal: https://geni.us/PayPalDevin#devingibson #tedcruz #michaelknowles
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