I have no doubt, that the leftist rioters, the looters, the malcontented marxist collegiate--succesionists, if we want to put it quite bluntly--are absolutely convinced they are freedom fighters of gr... View MoreI have no doubt, that the leftist rioters, the looters, the malcontented marxist collegiate--succesionists, if we want to put it quite bluntly--are absolutely convinced they are freedom fighters of great caliber.
I have no doubt they believe their cause is just; but to be too assured of a cause, when the whole of the established status quo system, echoes your political sentiments... That might just be lying to yourself. That might just be a good indicator that you aren't rebelling, but rather conforming to an obedience to larger government control.
People, in charge of People. That is government. So, a People's.Revolution, which is aimed to have a People's governing body seize the means of production... That is too horrifying an amount of power to give any person or persons.
So, we must be honest... We all conform to something; but the value of the ideas you conform to, that is within your power to choose.
Personally, I choose Freedom and Liberty, for everyone, regardless of any factor. I, subscribe to the Natural Order of Life, and Natural Law.
(Liberty= an emancipated individual human)
Every human is born free. Every Women is Born Free. Ever Man is Born Free. But, freedom is bought through risk and uncertainty. Self-reliance emaculate. Perfect. Rugged individualism flourishes with human endeavor, as does becoming self-sustaining. Liberation is brought through hard work and endeavoring to be better.
We make our own stories. We forge our own paths. We seek, not, to seek it through government intervention, but through self-determination.
Liberty is a mindset, one that every Free American should have, whom we owe it to the world, to have. We are the standard bearers of Freedom.
Look at Hong Kong, for example... When they were resisting tyranny, they sang the AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM. The Song of Liberty, the saga of Liberty; which we are the beneficiaries and progenitors of Natural Human Rights... As defined in the Original Bill of Rights... Without America, World Wide Liberation fails...1776 worldwide fails; but that means we have to step up to the plate. We have to take the full reigns over our lives and destinies. We have to be, whom we were born to Be.