February 20 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
9:09 am
... View MoreFebruary 20 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
9:09 am
They, again, are spraying us hard interfering with heart function, inducing inflammation, spiking blood pressure, and causing horrible daily health symptoms and conditions, and all of this is being done intentionally.
As usual, the public is decades behind learning about the corruption that is crushing public health. They drag their feet in learning about these things because these things are uncomfortable, and for many, scary. Hard truths are not faced by the paranoid. They are avoided.
As for me, ambulances only pass by here in rural Maine when they are spraying hard. I have witnessed this and many other patterns for years. This is just another of many artifacts of the deleterious health effects the spraying has on the public.
The sad thing about human nature which prevents solving this problem sooner is this: People tend to stay uninvolved as long as they possibly can without suffering. Only when it becomes shockingly clear—even through their own avoidance of the abundance of information available—that their lives are being destroyed by some corrupt activity, will they finally decide to become involved.
The right way to solve problems is to catch them when they begin, but human self-focus causes people to wait until the final minute, and by then, it's often too late resulting in the abundance of human tragedy throughout history.
As is the case now, there are a small percentage of early adopters who sound the alarm attempting to get people involved in solving such issues, but the public does not want to learn about uncomfortable or scary truths until their lives have already been decimated, ironically, by their own willful ignorance.
The ultimate end of such devastating events is personal examination and growth. If only people were willing to learn much earlier on, and listen to those sounding the alarms, personal examination and growth would occur without the heaps of human tragedy that have so often plagued human history.
Those of us who continue to try to wake up the public up are perpetually frustrated by the lack of concern and self-induced ignorance that plagues society. We finally reach a point of surrender knowing that disaster will inevitability come by the hands of the profoundly corrupt in high places, and all we can do is wait for it to happen knowing it is the only thing that will cause people to care about routing out evil, which is the cause of nearly all human issue we face today. During such trying times and tragedy, some will even admit that they are the source of corruption in high places because they, by their continued tolerance of evil and self-induced ignorance, enabled its very existence.
These words pour out of me after nearly 20 years of suffering at the hands of this corruption, from both low and high places, manifesting ultimately in profound health issues that should never exist but are enabled by public tolerance of evil and self-induced ignorance of it. Yes, ultimately, it is the public's fault, and those who eventually discover this discover that this is the root disease that has plagued human history.
The profound corruption in both high and low places manifests itself, this morning, in thick, toxic, inflammatory, unbreathable air resulting in a myriad of health issues and continued suffering that, really, few care about until it reaches their threshold of suffering. If only they "loved their neighbor" during their neighbor's time of suffering would they have, not only seen, but been motivated to put an end to the political and governmental corruption that ultimately destroys our own bodies.
This suffering is either the medium of personal growth or the soil in the garden of bitterness that eats away our very souls.
Until people are willing—as it is an act of our will—to see the connection between our own selfishness—our own lack of love for our neighbor—and our own suffering, people will have no motivation to change, and yet, that's what this process is all about; personal change. Whether we change and grow upward or we fall down, the refining fire we endure is the revealer of secrets. It is the refining process that separates the dross from the gold. It is the pain that motivates us to see and purify ourselves.
And so, we who observe, step back from this exhausting process of trying to wake up a public; a public who does not want to experience the discomfort of knowing and realizing that
(1) this suffering occurs because of our voluntary failure to be motivated by love and
(2) this suffering has led to a time of involuntary motivation by the suffering itself.
So at the end of this suffering, we realize that we have a choice. We can either fall down, or choose the better path, which is to ask the right questions:
Who am I, and what will I do with this life I have been given.
The attack on all life continues.
February 7 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
7:48 pm
... View MoreFebruary 7 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
7:48 pm
This has been one of the most unusual spray days in months.
First, it has been the mildest day overall in months.
Second, they only used one mix of components all day.
Air intensity through the night was between 8 and 8.25, which is, itself, monumental. Not right. Not clear. Not moral. The spraying did not stop. But, overall more mild than it has been in many months during an entire overnight period.
At 5:30 am we were hit with a plume dominated by the Drywall Dust type, which induces strong mercury symptoms. This is the same mix they have used throughout the day. Of course, I was in Bangor most of the afternoon and evening, so I can only speak for that area.
At about 8:50 am we were hit with another plume of the same type that quickly shot up to intensity 9.75 and then dropped within 15 minutes back to 8.25. This was clearly a partial hit, meaning that it has mostly passed us horizontally before reaching ground level, so we only experienced the last part of the plume geometry.
The remainder of the afternoon and early evening intensity hovered between 8 and 8.5 with no discernible plume events.
Following is the mix of plume component types that were consistently present all day:
Components (strongest to weakest):
- Drywall dust - Causes strong mercury symptoms.
- Mercury - Always present.
- Model Cement/Burnt Plastic - See Microplastics.
- Copper - They tasted copped in the air after Chernobyl. Is this why blood-uranium levels are rising is some?
- Sedative/Magnesium-Blocker/Beta-Blocker - Cadmium? Blocks magnesium metabolism, may induce arrhythmia (dangerous).
- Neo-Inflammatory - Inflames the heart, lungs, and head.
- Barium Normally sprayed before incoming precipitation
During the drive into Bangor we witnessed several very large, semi-persistent plumes being dispersed along with a sky containing several petroleum clouds.
Now keep in mind, Bangor is typically hit with considerably less intensity than the area around my home. I say this because, now that I'm home, while I have been typing this log entry, we have been hit with a pretty strong plume that is a different mix than we have had all day. Intensity is now 9.25 and rising at a medium-fast rate.
This plume is dominated by the dangerous sedative/magnesium-blocker type, so this is a dramatic change from the rest of the day.
Following is the event profile.
~ 7:50 pm - Hit with multi-component plume.
Intensity Delta (rise-time): Medium-Fast
Current Intensity: 9.5 (It has risen more in the past couple minutes.)
Components (strongest to weakest):
- Sedative/Magnesium-Blocker/Beta-Blocker - Cadmium? Blocks magnesium metabolism, may induce arrhythmia (dangerous).
- Mercury - Always present.
- Neo-Inflammatory - Inflames the heart, lungs, and head.
- Model Cement/Burnt Plastic - See Microplastics.
- Barium Normally sprayed before incoming precipitation
- Copper - They tasted copped in the air after Chernobyl. Is this why blood-uranium levels are rising is some?
And so continues the large crime against humanity in human history.
January 24 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
1:56 pm
... View MoreJanuary 24 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
1:56 pm
It was a pretty strong night and morning of spraying. Intensity ranged between 8.25 and 9 throughout the night and morning.
I am not logging the night plumes as often as I used to, but I am still logging the daytime plumes.
We have been hit with 2 plumes so far in the late morning and afternoon. They are using the nauseating Copper type, the magnesium-depleting "Blocker", type, and the Mercury and inflammatory types. These daytime plume mix has more components than they used to.
Following are the event profiles.
~ 11:30 am - Hit with multi-component plume.
Intensity Delta (rise-time): Medium-Fast
Peak Intensity: 10
Components (strongest to weakest):
- Model Cement/Burnt Plastic - See Microplastics.
- Copper - They tasted copped in the air after Chernobyl. Is this why blood-uranium levels are rising is some?
- Sharp Metallic - Produces strong mercury symptoms.
- Sedative/Magnesium-Blocker/Beta-Blocker - Cadmium? Blocks magnesium metabolism, may induce arrhythmia (dangerous).
- Mercury - Always present.
- Barium Normally sprayed before incoming precipitation
- Neo-Inflammatory - Inflames the heart, lungs, and head.
Note the common ~2-hour interval between most plumes.
This, folks, IS NOT incidental air traffic putting this into the air. These are military tanker jets that have no transponders.
This is YOUR military doing this to YOUR air.
~ 1:20 am - Hit with multi-component plume.
Intensity Delta (rise-time): Medium-Fast
Current Intensity: Above 10, Rising
Components (strongest to weakest):
- Model Cement/Burnt Plastic - See Microplastics.
- Copper - They tasted copped in the air after Chernobyl. Is this why blood-uranium levels are rising is some?
- Sharp Metallic - Produces strong mercury symptoms.
- Sedative/Magnesium-Blocker/Beta-Blocker - Cadmium? Blocks magnesium metabolism, may induce arrhythmia (dangerous).
- Mercury - Always present.
- Barium Normally sprayed before incoming precipitation
- Neo-Inflammatory - Inflames the heart, lungs, and head.
As I have been typing this, we are being hit with a Burnt Electronics/Skunk type plume.
~ 1:59 pm - Hit with a single-component plume
Intensity Delta: Fast
Current Intensity: 9.25, Rising
- Burnt Electronics/Skunk
This is the largest crime against humanity in human history.
January 18 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
4:36 pm
... View MoreJanuary 18 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
4:36 pm
It was a milder night than usual compared to recent history. Intensity ranged between 8 and 8.75, which is still very significant.
We had no discrete plumes this morning. This is the third day in a row this happened. Interesting pattern change.
This afternoon however, we have been hit with 3 plumes. All have been dominated by the horrible Neo-Inflammatory type which causing targeted inflammation in the heart and lungs of some. Others just feel tired. Others seem unaffected.
The HAARP Hum is also audible today at intensity 2 of 5. This is the first time it has been audible for several weeks.
Following are the event profiles.
~ 1 pm - Hit with multi-component plume.
Intensity Delta (rise-time): Medium-Fast
Peak Intensity: 8.75
~ 3:41 pm - Hit with multi-component plume.
Intensity Delta (rise-time): Medium-Fast
Peak Intensity: 9
~ 4:24 pm - Hit with multi-component plume.
Intensity Delta (rise-time): Medium-Fast
Current Intensity: 9.75, Steady
Components (strongest to weakest):
- Neo-Inflammatory - Inflames the heart, lungs, and head.
- Model Cement/Burnt Plastic - See Microplastics.
- Sedative/Magnesium-Blocker/Beta-Blocker - Cadmium? Blocks magnesium metabolism, may induce arrhythmia (dangerous).
- Chalky-Bitter-Pharma - Depletes magnesium, heart issues (dangerous).
- Mercury - Always present.
January 1 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
1:37 pm
... View MoreJanuary 1 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
1:37 pm
Happy new year to everyone. It's going to be interesting, to say the least.
Last night we had no discrete plumes, but intensity was constantly between 8.25 and 8.5 throughout the night. Not having strong, discreet plumes is odd considering how it's been for weeks now, but this is what we are witnessing.
As I type this, intensity has risen to 9.25 with the typical mix, as follows:
Components (strongest to weakest):
- Model Cement/Burnt Plastic - See Microplastics.
- Sedative/Magnesium-Blocker/Beta-Blocker - Cadmium? Blocks magnesium metabolism, may induce arrhythmia (dangerous).
- Chalky-Bitter-Pharma - Depletes magnesium, heart issues (dangerous).
- Neo-Inflammatory - Inflames the heart, lungs, and head.
- Mercury - Always present.
- Barium - Usually sprayed in front of precipitation.
Intensity continues to rise slowly as it has all morning.
So, a new year begins as I count the years I have continued to suffer through the intentional poisoning of the entire world. In my area, it began in 2005, so this marks the 20th year this has continued.
Will the world wake up this year?
Well, they have been slowly (much too slowly) waking up for years, but this creates a dangerous condition because, as the public wakes up, those doing all this evil to us do even more evil to further oppress the public and suppress the truth. This is part of the reason we live in dangerous times.
Please do everything you can share the truth, including sharing this log using the short link at the top of this page which is safe to use on social media. Please share the truth about what is being done to us in hope that it will stop one day.
I also want to share this link about when I believe the spraying will actually stop. Based on all the research we've done, this clearly appears to be the plan that no one every talks about:
How Chemtrails Will Help the Anti-Christ
Thank you for all you have done to get the truth out. I hope we all can reach the entire world with the truth this year. Be encouraged knowing that the public is becoming more and more open to truth as more is revealed.
The world is changing more quickly, and will continue to change in new and bizarre ways. This is a time when getting truth out is more important than ever.
Thank you again and welcome to the new year.
December 28 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
12:23 pm... View MoreDecember 28 - The Daily Spraying Log
#thedailysprayinglog - #chemtrailsitswhatyoubreathe
12:23 pm
It has been an absolutely brutal night of spraying dominated by the Neo-Inflammatory type.
They layer throughout the night AND hit us with discrete plumes as well. High intensity began at 2:31 am and did not fall off until about 11 am. That is about 8.5 hours of intense, toxic air. No breaks based on all the times I was awake, which is frequently.
Then we were hit a few times later in the morning that I did not log.
Even as I type this, we are getting hit right now (12:28 pm). Intensity rose in the past 4 minutes from 8.25 to 9.75. It will be above 10 very shortly. This is absolutely brutal for us.
Following are the components that were in all of the hits so far today.
Components (strongest to weakest):
- Neo-Inflammatory - Inflames the heart, lungs, and head.
- Sedative/Magnesium-Blocker/Beta-Blocker - Cadmium? Blocks magnesium metabolism, may induce arrhythmia (dangerous).
- Chalky-Bitter-Pharma - Depletes magnesium, heart issues (dangerous).
- Model Cement/Burnt Plastic - See Microplastics.
- Copper - They tasted copped in the air after Chernobyl. Is this why my uranium levels are rising?
- Mercury - Always present.
- Burnt Electronics/Skunk
This is the new most-common mix.
The attack on all life continues while the public still believes the ridiculous, well-debunked propaganda that is repeated day-and-night on big news.
Wake up world. This is happening.
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