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Robert Anderson

Male. Born on May 21. Is widowed.
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French Fluffy bulldogs
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Missing People and the Unidentified
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We All Bleed Red
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Niki Mc
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Alicia Summers McLeod
Merry Christmas to my Wimkin friends! (I recorded this for my husband, James. The 2 pictures are of us soon after we were married and 52 years later!)
Alicia Summers McLeod
To all my Wimkin friends ... have a very happy and blessed Christmas! https://youtu.be/XWEn4ZPve6M
Alicia Summers McLeod
My Christmas song, An Old Christmas Card, will be played on WSM (Nashville) this Saturday! It’s song #12 out of 18 on "Perley’s Place", 11 PM – 12 AM CT. WSM 650-AM Radio OR ... if you're not in the... View More
Alicia Summers McLeod
IMPORTANT!!!!! UPDATE: The SCOTUS refused to even recognize or hear this case!!!! https://youtu.be/UsPF-isvJmY
Alicia Summers McLeod
IMPORTANT!! Facebook would not let me share or download this at all. Therefore, I had no alternative except to record it in a very crude manner. Please listen!
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