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Josh Jacobs

Male. Lives in Kentucky, United States. Born on December 21, 1975. Is married to .
96 members Education
Share your knowledge of the WIMKIN app and answer questions to those that are just learning how to navigate WIMKIN. A group for people to ask questions on how the WIMKIN app works.  Most of us are new to WIMKIN and some have been here for a couple / few months.  Jason gets flooded with basic "how-to" questions so hopefully, this group can help.  Please respect all questions, don't be rude no matter how many times we have answered that question.
Josh Jacobs
Alanna Opal
BBQ PitMasters
87 members Food
Share pictures and tips on your favorite BBQ recipes.   This is a community where people can ask questions and also showcase their great smoked foods with everyone else. We all have our favorite tools and fuel sources so please respect everyone's opinions and styles and do not be rude to others. Please feel free to share and invite friends in the BBQ community.  Smoke on friends!
Josh Jacobs
Alabama Worley
Aldrin tejada