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Tim Tapp
Get caught up on Tapp into the Truth! In this show from Feb. 14th, 2025, my guests were Jay Beeber, Executive Director of Policy at the National Motorists Association; Amber May, host of The Amber May... View More
Tim Tapp
Emails show that on Dec. 2, Governors Action Alliance CEO Julia Spiegel emailed Democrat state officials in numerous states about plans for Governors Safeguarding Democracy. This suggests that the out... View More
Tim Tapp
New York City Mayor Eric Adams gave U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement access to New York City’s prison on Riker’s Island, sparking allegations of a quid pro quo between himself and the Trump ad... View More
Tim Tapp
The first crop of pork protein-producing soybeans has been harvested and now will be tested for viability in multiple applications. They are hopeful to make "better" plant-based meat substitutes. Like... View More
Tim Tapp
If you missed Friday's show (2/14/2025), you missed Jay Beeber, Executive Director of Policy at the National Motorists Association; Amber May, host of The Amber May Show and creator of the online educ... View More
Tim Tapp
Don't miss today's Tapp into the Truth (2/14/2025). My scheduled guests are Jay Beeber, Executive Director of Policy at the National Motorists Association; Amber May, host of The Amber May Show; Lt. C... View More
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