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Tim Tapp
If you missed the Friday Live show (3/7/2025) you missed my guests Murray Sabrin, PhD, author, Mises Institute Associated Scholar, and Emeritus Professor of Finance at Ramapo College of New Jersey; Jo... View More
Tim Tapp
Don't miss today's Tapp into the Truth Rumble Livestream! My scheduled guests are Donald Wilkie, author of Freedom Revealed: A Simple Elegant System; and John Gordon, host of syndicated radio show The... View More
Tim Tapp
Don't miss this episode of The Amber May Show! Amber was kind enough to invite me as her guest. Be sure to check it out. And don't forget to follow and join The Amber May Show. https://rumble.com/v6... View More
Tim Tapp
It is well past time to end the practice of "continuing resolutions" and actually return to the business passing and then mostly sticking to a budget. We have to return to having a budget before we ca... View More
Tim Tapp
If you missed last Friday's show (Feb. 28th, 2025), you missed my guests Donald Wilkie, author of Freedom Revealed: A Simple Elegant System; Scott Miller, author of THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN WASHINGTO... View More
Tim Tapp
Get caught up on Tapp into the Truth. This show from Feb. 21 featured guests Ken W. Good, a board member of the Professional Bondsmen of Texas; Jamie Miller, political consultant, public speaker, and ... View More
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