July 31, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jul 31, 2023
The God of the Impossible
In seasons such as this, it is easy to lose hope if we take our eyes off of God’s Word and promises. Yes, our government is a mes... View MoreJuly 31, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jul 31, 2023
The God of the Impossible
In seasons such as this, it is easy to lose hope if we take our eyes off of God’s Word and promises. Yes, our government is a mess and America is in desperate need. Yes, many prophets believe a shaking is coming to our nation. BUT God has said the shaking is to restore and reset us, not destroy us; it is redemptive in nature. We are obeying His instructions to cover our nation with prayer, and we can expect God to do what He said: America shall be saved! And revival is coming!
I was with my good friend Gene Bailey last night in Fort Worth, joining him for a Flashpoint Live. It is only appropriate that I use a portion from his great book, Flashpoint of Revival, for today’s post. I love his statement in the first chapter of the book: “God does His best work in impossible situations.” Listen to what Gene says about this:
“Historically when national issues don't go the way we think they should, we've turned on each other instead of the enemy of our faith. May that not be the way we move forward in this season. If we look above our circumstances and to the Lord, we are set to respond from a posture of faith and not fear. We must remember this fundamental truth: God does His best work in impossible situations. Let's look at a couple stories that highlight God's faithfulness in times of adversity.
“When an angel appeared to Zechariah and prophesied the birth of John the Baptist, Zechariah had a hard time believing this. After all, he was old, and Elizabeth had been barren. Even getting pregnant seemed impossible - much less with someone like John the Baptist who would have such a powerful influence as a forerunner for Jesus Himself. Sure, they'd prayed for a child, but would God really answer? And was God answering like this?
“The angel's description of Zechariah and Elizabeth's son-to-be was more than Zechariah could believe. He did what many of us would probably do - he looked at his circumstance, and he questioned the angel.
Zechariah asked the angel, “How do you expect me to believe this? I'm an old man and my wife is too old to give me a child. What sign can you give me to prove this will happen?"
Then the angel said, “I am Gabriel. I stand beside God himself. He has sent me to announce to you this good news. But now, since you did not believe my words, you will be stricken silent and unable to speak until the day my words have been fulfilled at their appointed time and a child is born to you. That will be your sign!"
Meanwhile, the crowds outside kept expecting him to come out. They were amazed over Zechariah’s delay, wondering what had could have happened inside the sanctuary. When he finally did come out, he tried to talk, but he couldn’t speak a word, and they realized from his gestures that he had seen a vision while in the Holy Place. He remained mute as he finished his days of priestly ministry in the temple and then went back to his own home. Soon afterward his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant and went into seclusion for the next five months. With joy she exclaimed, "See how kind it is of God to gaze upon me and take away the disgrace of my barrenness!" (Luke 1:18-25 TPT)
“What a great example of God performing the impossible. Did you notice that God had to silence Zechariah so he wouldn't speak his negativity and unbelief? If that happened nowadays every time there was unbelief, well...you know. But God had heard Zechariah and Elizabeth’s prayers and He didn’t allow the old man’s unbelief to stop His promise from coming to pass. He does for us what He did for Zechariah - He always works on our behalf - sometimes with us, and sometimes in spite of us!
“We serve a God who is full of surprises. Take that one step further - He's especially good at doing the impossible. Often, we expect Him to do one thing and He does another. We anticipate Him moving in one direction, but He moves in a completely different way. Sometimes when we trust Him to handle something right away, God waits - for what seems like forever. At other times, we pray and prepare for a long wait, and almost immediately He answers the prayer for what we thought might never come to pass.
“What we call impossible, God sees as no problem at all. “Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26 NIV)
“‘For no word from God will ever fail’ (Luke 1:37 NIV). Nothing, not even the most overwhelming problem, is impossible to conquer with God. The truth is, His solutions are always much better than anything we could come up with on our own.
“Many times, Christians are convinced that there is no way even God could intervene in their life. Because of this flawed thinking, they miss out on some of God's best work. God prefers to work in that problem you have relegated to the ‘impossible’ file. When we throw up our hands and say, ‘There is no way,’ God loves to prove He is who He says He is - God.
“The story of Daniel and the lions' den is a perfect picture of the promises and faithfulness of God. King Darius was the ruler of Babylon, and he had appointed many men to assist him in governing and leading the city. These men advised King Darius to enforce a new law specifying that people should only worship and pray to the king, and anyone who worshiped or prayed to other gods would be thrown into the lions' den. Even in the midst of what seemed like certain death, God spared Daniel and then used him to save an entire nation.
“I'm sure Daniel must have wondered (like us) if everything had been lost, but he refused to bow to a man and his self-imposed rules. With his windows open, Daniel prayed three times a day. The king was devastated when his men came to him with their allegations against Daniel. King Darius had supported Daniel, but when he realized he couldn't change the rules, Daniel was thrown into the lions' den.
When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?"
Daniel answered, “May the king live forever! My God sent His angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in His sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty."
The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God. (Daniel 6:20-23 NIV)
“Don't lose hope. God has not forsaken this country. Let's learn from Zechariah the importance of silencing our unbelief. Let's look at our nation's situation through Daniel's eyes and keep our focus on God, no matter what's happening around us. America is not lost, but we are in a war for the very soul of our nation. And souls are what we are all about! Luke 19:10 states, "The Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost" (HCSB). Remember, God does His best work in impossible situations.”
Pray with me:
Father, thank You for Your encouragement to us. You truly are the God of the impossible, and do your best work in impossible situations. America’s condition does indeed look impossible. What a great opportunity for You to show just how powerful and merciful You are!
You have sent Your forerunners in our day, just as You did in Christ’s. Prophetic voices have prepared the way, speaking of Your salvation and deliverance, just as the angel Gabriel and John did. We refuse to give any place to fear or unbelief. You will do as you have said, and You will NOT be stopped.
You not only closed Zechariah‘s mouth for a season, You also closed the mouths of lions for Daniel! You are still closing mouths today, silencing Baal’s voice and silencing those through whom he speaks. Like Daniel, we have refused to bow the knee to him and his false gods, but have instead chosen to honor You. Now we will see You demonstrate Your great power. As Gene said in his book, You have not forsaken this country. And we have and will look at our nation’s situation through Daniel’s eyes, keeping our focus on You. We ask and declare these things in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Our Decree:
We declare that our God, the God of the impossible, is demonstrating His great ability once again.