August 18, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Aug 18, 2023
People From the Other Side
I wrote the information in today's post in 2001. I was mocked and ridiculed over it by many pastors, especially some in the ci... View MoreAugust 18, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Aug 18, 2023
People From the Other Side
I wrote the information in today's post in 2001. I was mocked and ridiculed over it by many pastors, especially some in the city where I pastored. Very few American Christians took the words seriously. I’m not always right, but I was that time.
IN 2001
“The phrase ‘history maker’ is typically used of a person who does something extraordinary, setting them apart from others. Actually, we're all history-makers in one way or another. Time marches on, and history is always being written. Two important questions we must all answer are: What history are we ‘making’? And, are we making it by default - watching from the sidelines - or are we actively involved in the history-making process?
“America is at a crossroads. Decisions we make now will write our history and determine our future for years to come. There are pivotal points in a nation - kairos points in time - when decisions are extremely critical and strategic.(1) The choices made at these times are more far-reaching in scope than is otherwise the case. Please hear me, Church of America: we are at one of those pivotal points. We are an Esther generation, born to alter the course of history at such a time as this. We are like Israel at the Jordan, writing today what our kids and grandkids will read about us tomorrow. Will we cross over and face the giants in the land, or will we perish in the wilderness as a has-been nation that lost its bearings? Will we receive a holy visitation from Christ, or will we miss our visitation, as Jerusalem did, causing Jesus to weep and pronounce judgment (see Luke 19:41-44)?
“Many decisions we make in life are relatively inconsequential. It is important to remember, however, that some choices really are ‘do or die,’ ‘sink or swim.’ Unfortunately, just how important they are isn’t always obvious. For many people, the current crisis is not discernible. Because of America’s prosperity and the fact that we are at peace, they do not realize the critical nature of where we truly are. It is much easier to recognize and face the challenge when the crisis is obvious, and the decision is forced upon us. Hitler gave Europe no choice - fight or be conquered. At Pearl Harbor, the Japanese gave the United States no choice - fight or be conquered. Goliath gave Israel no choice - fight or become slaves. America's current peril is not as obvious as these examples, but just as real.
“Refusing to believe that we are at a crisis point, many Christians believe we have plenty of time to change, but this is not true. America will either choose now to move into a new walk with God, or our nation will enter another 20 to 30-year cycle of downward moral spiraling, resulting in a further loss of inner strength and character. Having just come through such a cycle of erosion, we cannot endure another. We must recognize our true need, respond with holy desperation, and seize our God-given opportunity to cross over into the new.
“Jesus said to Jerusalem, ‘You did not recognize the time of your visitation” (Luke 19:44). Unfortunately, the word ‘visitation’ does not clearly communicate what Christ was saying. He was not simply talking about coming for a ‘visit.’ The Greek word is episkope,(2) from which we get the words bishop, overseer, and
superintendent. Jesus was saying to Jerusalem, ‘I came to cover you, to be your shepherd and bishop. I wanted to care for you as a mother hen would her chicks, wrapping you under my wings, covering and protecting you. But you did not recognize that’ (see Luke 13:34).
“We in America are currently receiving a similar offer. God is giving us an opportunity to return to Him and His loving care. He wants to show us once more that righteousness - not money, power, or pleasure - exalts a nation. Jesus is knocking at our door, saying, ‘Will you receive Me back into this nation as your shepherd and bishop, allowing Me to cover, protect and lead you? Will you once more become a nation under God?’ I pray that we choose His covering, for if we do not, we are choosing further spiritual death and destruction.
“The way that brings life isn't always the easiest decision at the time. The way of complacency may seem easy, even the most natural, but it can also be the most deadly. The path of least resistance can be fatal.
“‘For years, the opening of “The Wide World of Sports” television program illustrated “the agony of defeat” with a painful ending to an attempted ski jump. The skier appeared in good form as he headed down the jump, but then, for no apparent reason, he tumbled head over heels off the side of the jump, bouncing off the supporting structure.
“‘What viewers didn't know was that he chose to fall rather than finish the jump. Why? As he explained later, the jump surface had become too fast, and midway down the ramp, he realized if he completed the jump, he would land on level ground, beyond the safe sloping landing area, which could have been fatal.
“‘As it was, the skier suffered no more than a headache from the tumble.’(3)
“At this time in America, we need to leave the seemingly safe ski slope of ‘no confrontation’ and ‘let’s all just get along.’ Sometimes the boat just has to be rocked, and history makers are boat rockers. They are not ‘que sera sera’ people, but those who choose to make a difference, even when that means taking the more difficult way. Sometimes the difficult and costly way simply must be chosen.
“Change is imperative for us in America, and its price will involve prayer, fasting, sacrifice, repentance, moral change, going against the tide of public opinion, and more. Will godly history makers arise, choosing to be those who rock the boat? As a nation, will we die in the wilderness like Moses' generation, or will we cross over into God's blessing as the Joshua generation did?
“Genesis 14:13 uses the phrase ‘Abram the Hebrew.’ Recently I found myself wondering why was he called a Hebrew? Where did this designation, first mentioned in this verse, come from? Finally, my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to find out why Abraham was called ‘the Hebrew.’
“The word for ‘Hebrew’ is ibriy, (4) which originates from the word abar, meaning ‘to cross over or into; to pass by or into.’(5) Basically, it means to move from one place to another. Sometimes abar is a very generic word simply for going from one place to another; it is, in fact, used this way hundreds of times in the Old Testament. Other times, passing into or crossing over is a very significant, meaningful, and life-changing experience, as it was with Abraham.
“Abraham was a Hebrew because he chose to ‘cross out of the familiar, over the obstacles, and into a new place’ at God’s command. ‘By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going’ (Hebrews 11:8, italic mine). One definition of a ‘Hebrew’ given by Strong's Concordance, is actually "one from the other side."(6) There’s a name for ya! Hebrews 11:13 calls them pilgrims and strangers on earth, seeking a heavenly country. Ephesians 2:19 calls them fellow citizens with the saints, members of the household of God.
“As I stated earlier, America, including the church, is at a crossroads. Will we be Abrahamic Hebrews at heart, crossing over into repentance and life, or fall further into complacent sterility and destruction.” (End of 2001 article)
America’s collapse since I wrote this in 2001 has been dramatic. It was said of Israel, “She did not consider her destiny; therefore, her collapse was awesome” (Lamentations 1:9 NKJV). We, too, have forgotten our destiny and are languishing in our pigpen of godlessness, insanity, and filth. But God - just as He did for Israel - is offering us restoration. We must continue to command the “destiny” and respond with humble, yet faith-filled hearts. A shaking is coming, but the prayers of the faithful will save this nation.
Pray with me:
Father, man, in his arrogance, so often believes he can break Your laws and make his own. The result is always the same: spiritual death and physical destruction. America did this, becoming a prodigal nation and finding her pigpen. It is stained with the blood of our children, littered with the dry bones of the spiritually dead, and filled with the slop of violence, hatred, division, and injustice.
And yet, we hear the sound of rain. A cloud the size of a man’s hand has formed, and the wind is blowing in the treetops. A remnant is rising. They have crossed over, becoming Hebrews at heart, refusing to accept defeat and give away the destiny of their nation and their children. You hear their cry, and You are answering. Both shaking and awakening are coming. The God of fire is answering the appeal.
We believe Your mercy will triumph over judgment. You will run to meet the returning prodigal, giving him a new robe and ring, and feeding his famished body with a banquet of love. You will do this, because of who You are - a God of mercy who loves to save. We speak all of this in Jesus’ name, amen.
Our decree:
We declare that we are Hebrews, people from the other side.
July 31, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jul 31, 2023
The God of the Impossible
In seasons such as this, it is easy to lose hope if we take our eyes off of God’s Word and promises. Yes, our government is a mes... View MoreJuly 31, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jul 31, 2023
The God of the Impossible
In seasons such as this, it is easy to lose hope if we take our eyes off of God’s Word and promises. Yes, our government is a mess and America is in desperate need. Yes, many prophets believe a shaking is coming to our nation. BUT God has said the shaking is to restore and reset us, not destroy us; it is redemptive in nature. We are obeying His instructions to cover our nation with prayer, and we can expect God to do what He said: America shall be saved! And revival is coming!
I was with my good friend Gene Bailey last night in Fort Worth, joining him for a Flashpoint Live. It is only appropriate that I use a portion from his great book, Flashpoint of Revival, for today’s post. I love his statement in the first chapter of the book: “God does His best work in impossible situations.” Listen to what Gene says about this:
“Historically when national issues don't go the way we think they should, we've turned on each other instead of the enemy of our faith. May that not be the way we move forward in this season. If we look above our circumstances and to the Lord, we are set to respond from a posture of faith and not fear. We must remember this fundamental truth: God does His best work in impossible situations. Let's look at a couple stories that highlight God's faithfulness in times of adversity.
“When an angel appeared to Zechariah and prophesied the birth of John the Baptist, Zechariah had a hard time believing this. After all, he was old, and Elizabeth had been barren. Even getting pregnant seemed impossible - much less with someone like John the Baptist who would have such a powerful influence as a forerunner for Jesus Himself. Sure, they'd prayed for a child, but would God really answer? And was God answering like this?
“The angel's description of Zechariah and Elizabeth's son-to-be was more than Zechariah could believe. He did what many of us would probably do - he looked at his circumstance, and he questioned the angel.
Zechariah asked the angel, “How do you expect me to believe this? I'm an old man and my wife is too old to give me a child. What sign can you give me to prove this will happen?"
Then the angel said, “I am Gabriel. I stand beside God himself. He has sent me to announce to you this good news. But now, since you did not believe my words, you will be stricken silent and unable to speak until the day my words have been fulfilled at their appointed time and a child is born to you. That will be your sign!"
Meanwhile, the crowds outside kept expecting him to come out. They were amazed over Zechariah’s delay, wondering what had could have happened inside the sanctuary. When he finally did come out, he tried to talk, but he couldn’t speak a word, and they realized from his gestures that he had seen a vision while in the Holy Place. He remained mute as he finished his days of priestly ministry in the temple and then went back to his own home. Soon afterward his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant and went into seclusion for the next five months. With joy she exclaimed, "See how kind it is of God to gaze upon me and take away the disgrace of my barrenness!" (Luke 1:18-25 TPT)
“What a great example of God performing the impossible. Did you notice that God had to silence Zechariah so he wouldn't speak his negativity and unbelief? If that happened nowadays every time there was unbelief, know. But God had heard Zechariah and Elizabeth’s prayers and He didn’t allow the old man’s unbelief to stop His promise from coming to pass. He does for us what He did for Zechariah - He always works on our behalf - sometimes with us, and sometimes in spite of us!
“We serve a God who is full of surprises. Take that one step further - He's especially good at doing the impossible. Often, we expect Him to do one thing and He does another. We anticipate Him moving in one direction, but He moves in a completely different way. Sometimes when we trust Him to handle something right away, God waits - for what seems like forever. At other times, we pray and prepare for a long wait, and almost immediately He answers the prayer for what we thought might never come to pass.
“What we call impossible, God sees as no problem at all. “Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26 NIV)
“‘For no word from God will ever fail’ (Luke 1:37 NIV). Nothing, not even the most overwhelming problem, is impossible to conquer with God. The truth is, His solutions are always much better than anything we could come up with on our own.
“Many times, Christians are convinced that there is no way even God could intervene in their life. Because of this flawed thinking, they miss out on some of God's best work. God prefers to work in that problem you have relegated to the ‘impossible’ file. When we throw up our hands and say, ‘There is no way,’ God loves to prove He is who He says He is - God.
“The story of Daniel and the lions' den is a perfect picture of the promises and faithfulness of God. King Darius was the ruler of Babylon, and he had appointed many men to assist him in governing and leading the city. These men advised King Darius to enforce a new law specifying that people should only worship and pray to the king, and anyone who worshiped or prayed to other gods would be thrown into the lions' den. Even in the midst of what seemed like certain death, God spared Daniel and then used him to save an entire nation.
“I'm sure Daniel must have wondered (like us) if everything had been lost, but he refused to bow to a man and his self-imposed rules. With his windows open, Daniel prayed three times a day. The king was devastated when his men came to him with their allegations against Daniel. King Darius had supported Daniel, but when he realized he couldn't change the rules, Daniel was thrown into the lions' den.
When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?"
Daniel answered, “May the king live forever! My God sent His angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in His sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty."
The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God. (Daniel 6:20-23 NIV)
“Don't lose hope. God has not forsaken this country. Let's learn from Zechariah the importance of silencing our unbelief. Let's look at our nation's situation through Daniel's eyes and keep our focus on God, no matter what's happening around us. America is not lost, but we are in a war for the very soul of our nation. And souls are what we are all about! Luke 19:10 states, "The Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost" (HCSB). Remember, God does His best work in impossible situations.”
Pray with me:
Father, thank You for Your encouragement to us. You truly are the God of the impossible, and do your best work in impossible situations. America’s condition does indeed look impossible. What a great opportunity for You to show just how powerful and merciful You are!
You have sent Your forerunners in our day, just as You did in Christ’s. Prophetic voices have prepared the way, speaking of Your salvation and deliverance, just as the angel Gabriel and John did. We refuse to give any place to fear or unbelief. You will do as you have said, and You will NOT be stopped.
You not only closed Zechariah‘s mouth for a season, You also closed the mouths of lions for Daniel! You are still closing mouths today, silencing Baal’s voice and silencing those through whom he speaks. Like Daniel, we have refused to bow the knee to him and his false gods, but have instead chosen to honor You. Now we will see You demonstrate Your great power. As Gene said in his book, You have not forsaken this country. And we have and will look at our nation’s situation through Daniel’s eyes, keeping our focus on You. We ask and declare these things in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Our Decree:
We declare that our God, the God of the impossible, is demonstrating His great ability once again.
July 26, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jul 26, 2023
Say What God Says
Yesterday, we talked about the power of decreeing and declaring what God has said in the past, and also of relating his past works. Testi... View MoreJuly 26, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jul 26, 2023
Say What God Says
Yesterday, we talked about the power of decreeing and declaring what God has said in the past, and also of relating his past works. Testimonies are powerful. We said there is power in His words, and the power remains (,Tuesday's post). Today I want to develop this a little further to encourage you, as you “command the foreword” over our nation.
Many Greek words simply cannot be fully translated into one English word. The Greeks used to brag that with their intricate language, they could say more in one word than any other could in an entire sentence. The pictorial Hebrew language is much the same - how do you describe the details and nuances of a picture in one word? This is why I do biblical word studies, and it’s why amplified and expanded translations are helpful.
At times, one English word is used to translate several Greek words. We have written and spoken often of “time,” for instance, which is used to translate several Greek words, all with different meanings. Without knowing which Greek word was used - kairos? chronos? horaios? - it is often impossible to fully understand what Holy Spirit is saying.
This is the case when discussing “God’s Word.” Four different Greek nouns are translated as a “word,” all having different nuances of meaning. Three of the four are used to describe the Word/s of God. One refers to written words (graphe) (1) and is also translated as “Scripture/s,” the written Word of God. Another is rhema,(2) which refers to spoken words. The words many of you are reading along with me are graphe; the words you are hearing me speak are rhemas.
The third word is logos,(3) which means word/s, as well, but includes the message they are communicating. This is why we get our English words “logic” and “logical” from logos - because it includes the message, the understanding, the reasoning. Obviously, one can read or hear words and not truly understand them. When this occurs, the words are not yet logos, but are still only graphe or rhema. With this meaning, it is easy to see why Jesus was called “the Logos of God” (John 1:1). He did not merely speak words about God, life, truth, etc.; He WAS the message, embodying and revealing God, life, truth, etc., to us. He IS the message, He IS God revealed!
This brings me to an important biblical word I want to define today, which describes what we are doing as we “command the foreword.” The word is homologia. (4) The first half comes from homou, (5) which means “same” or “together.” The second part of the word comes from logos. Homologia is usually translated as “confession” or “profession,” but neither of these words does it justice. A better translation would be either “say the same words,” or “say the same thing.” Yet, this still isn’t enough to fully understand homologia. In order to do so, we need to amplify it to “understand, agree with, and say the same thing.” Our “confession” of faith in God’s Word (Hebrews 10:23), and our “confession” of faith in Christ’s redemptive work when we were born again (Romans 10:10), literally mean “understanding, agreeing with, and saying what God says.” When we do so, His power is released!
Many thousands of intercessors believe and are saying the same thing God said about America, both about our original purpose and our restoration of this. They are commanding the foreword, and decreeing that “America shall be saved.” A growing remnant of the Ekklesia - the church - now understands our authority in Christ, as well as our responsibility to use it. They have sharpened their swords and are ready to agree with Him, saying the same logos He has said.
Here is still another principle that will encourage you as you “command the foreword.” For most of my life, I wondered why the Old Testament said, "God remembered…" I’ve always thought, He never forgets anything, so how could He remember? And why would He tell us in Isaiah 43:26: "Put Me in remembrance...” Why would we need to remind God?
Then I studied the Hebrew word for "remember." My lexicon said the Hebrew word "remember" doesn't just mean "to recall." It said, “Remembering is not merely a recalling of the past but is also a call to action.” (6) Finally, the concept made sense. Of course, God doesn’t need us to help Him by pulling something out of His memory, as though He forgot about it. He wants US to recall His promises and ask HIM to do them.
For example, this Hebrew concept of remembering would be like a person building their dream home. They have dreamed, planned, and promised themselves for years that they would one day do so, saved their money, and waited for the right time. He or she hasn’t “forgotten” about it; it’s always there in “the back of their mind.” The timing, however, for various reasons, just hasn’t been right. Then they realize it’s time, and begin thinking about it, “remembering” the house, not because they had forgotten about it, but because it is now time to build. They buy the land, if they haven’t already done so, have the plans drawn, get the permits, hire the builder, and build the house! That is “remember”!
The Lord “remembered” Hannah, barrenness was broken off her, and she conceived (1 Samuel 1:19). Samson repented; God then said He “remembered” him, and his strength returned (Judges 16:28). God said He “remembered” His promise to Abraham, and the exodus process began (Exodus 2:24).
When it’s the right time, and yes, sometimes that timing hinges upon our actions, God “remembers,” engaging His creative mind and power, and releases His great power and ability. In fact, one of the Hebrew words for “create” actually comes from the word for “think or imagine.” Individuals, including God, think about, dream of, or imagine something, then create it (Hebrew yetser and yatsar).
As we “command the foreword” over America, saying what God said regarding our destiny and purpose, we are asking Him to remember and do it. We’ve heard Him saying it’s time for restoration and a heavenly reset of HIS decreed purposes. We’re declaring that we understand what He said about our nation, that we agree with it, and we will say the same thing.
Pray with me:
Father, You have given us Your Word, the Scriptures, to reveal Your will, nature, and ways. You have given us Holy Spirit to instruct us in Your word, revealing its meanings and bringing it to life. This produces revelation and faith in us, and reproduces Your life. And when we agree with You, saying what You have said, it releases the power of Your words in our decrees and prayers. It also honors and pleases You when we believe and say Your words.
You also give us prophetic insight and words through Holy Spirit. He enables us to discern the times and seasons; He guides and directs us in our lives, prayers, and decisions. He has shown us that we must cover our borders with prayer and command the foreword You wrote for America. We are doing so.
Now we ask You to remember and do! Use our decrees, which carry Your power, to release life, protect our land, stave off evil, and overthrow wickedness.
Restore, rebuild, and reset until America is ablaze with holy fire. Do so until America burns with passion to carry the gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the Earth. Overthrow evil. Remove corruption in our government, whatever it takes. Save America, as You have said You will. We ask these things in Christ’s all-powerful name. Amen.
Our decree:
We declare that as we understand and say what God says, His infinite power is released to accomplish His purposes. Therefore, the foreword will survive and prosper.
July 17, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jul 17, 2023
The Alarm Clock of Heaven
One of our staff members at DSM is a chronicler. She archives the prophetic words we receive, as well as words given to the churc... View MoreJuly 17, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jul 17, 2023
The Alarm Clock of Heaven
One of our staff members at DSM is a chronicler. She archives the prophetic words we receive, as well as words given to the church in general, which we might want to reference later. Recently, she was led to look at two prophecies given by my brother, Tim Sheets, a few years back. “I believe we are seeing them fulfilled RIGHT NOW,” she said.
I remember when Tim released these words on back-to-back Sundays; they are extremely powerful. I’m going to share one today and one tomorrow, to encourage you in your watchman roles for America and other nations. (As always, all militancy and warfare spoken of is spiritual war, not against individuals.)
A New Roar
“The alarm clock of Heaven is now ringing on the night stand of a sleeping Church; time to rise, time to rise to the occasion, time to get up!
“I have lions hidden in My remnant, not wolves. They will now rise to patrol and remove the defeated ones, wolf packs, that have come to scatter My flocks. My lions will be fierce, bold, aggressive and unintimidated. They will not flinch when adversaries advance. They will stand strong,” says the Lord, “and fearless.
"A new roar will be heard from My tribe announcing territorial dominion. A roar claiming geographical and spiritual jurisdiction shall now sound from My remnant; a roar establishing that the throne of the territory is occupied and guarded. A roar against hell’s power shall be sounded. A roar of authority in My Name shall come against hell's intrusions. My ‘called out ones,’ My ‘sent ones,’ will now become ‘step forward ones.’
"They will move forward in My power. They will manifest their rights as sons and daughters of God, ruling and reigning with Me, as intended. My heirs are stepping from the shadows of cultural bondage. They shall now display disdain of enemy princes, mights, thrones, dominions, and rulers of darkness. No longer will they compromise in shared rule; no longer settling for cohabitation; no longer accepting shared occupancy with spiritual evil.
"Passive appeasement has now been replaced with backbones of steel, lips set on fire with holy ingots, and a shout of the King is in their voice, indeed. Jericho's shout/decree is in their mouth. Determined faith shall now be seen in My faithful ones as they march to remove demon philosophies and doctrines of devils from the land. No shared rule with demonic forces,” says the Lord.
"My rule, My rule shall prevail. My words shall prevail. Power to prevail is being poured out.
Power to prevail is soaking My remnant. Power to overcome hell's strategies; power to overcome demonic doctrine and a rebel government; power to ‘more than conquer’ demonic tactics is being released. Those who stand with Me shall see hell's fire misfire.
"So arise and rule. Rise and roar with My authority. I will fill your enemy's mouth with sand and their hearts with quicksand. They will find themselves stuck in their own mire. Roar with My freedom. Roar with My liberty. Let rejoicing roar out of Zion. March into battle with confident peace.”
My Shaking Will Open Ancient Wells of Revival
"Great revival fire will now begin to burn through intercession-soaked regions as My awakening begins to roll. The regions will now become activated by My glory. The time of My shaking has come. I am shaking earth; I am shaking the heavens. Walls, strongholds, obstacles, and hell’s defenses are being shaken down, and My remnant is being shaken free. My shaking will open ancient wells of revival. The revival in the womb of My intercessors will now be birthed.
"The revivalist mantle is descending upon My righteous evangelists. The fire shut up in their bones will now become words of fiery passion. With My Gospel, I will shake open the capped wells of evangelism. I will shake open the ancient healing wells. Miracles will multiply. My angels are pumping those wells and they are reopening as new wells. I’m creating new roads, new inroads, new mantles, new vision, new harvest. Behold I will do a new thing and you will see it. Now it will spring forth.
"Because your cries have come before Me, because you have pursued My Presence," says the Lord, "because your worship has become sweet savor - the Lord of angel armies decrees over His remnant people - you shall now begin ‘reality church.’ No more acting, no more actors, no more pretending. Real church, real disciples, real Christianity, real worship, real power, real glory, real miracles, real healings. It is ordained, I have determined: ‘reality church.’
I am now removing arrows shot into My royal priesthood. Arrows of betrayal, arrows of Jezebel, arrows of Absalom, arrows of deceit and gossip borne by lying spirits, arrows shot by those bound by religious demons. I, Your God, am removing these arrows. You will be free. You will be healed. You will be restored and set on fire with My Presence, for I have said I will make My ministers a flame of fire. It is ordained, I have determined: your place of pain shall now be gain, and where you reign. You will rise and rule with Me.
"I am now coming to My remnant. And I am coming as Lord Sabbath-Lord of Angel Armies. Because they have aligned with My purpose, I will now align My hosts to aggressively assist them. There is now coming a convergence of the angel armies and the church’s prayer army into a divine coalition, the coalition of My willing: those who run to the battle, not from it.
"My earthly and heavenly armies will now challenge thrones of iniquity, thrones of idolatry, thrones of rebellion, thrones of witchcraft, thrones of humanism and antichrist dominions.
Battalions are dispatched and await the decrees of My word through My saints. They will respond and overthrow iniquitous thrones so My saints can rule with Me.
"It is now time for My greatest campaign ever on earth. Decree it," says the Lord. "Align your words with Mine and angel forces shall align with you. Align with angel forces in your regions, and I will accelerate an alignment within your nation. Yes, revival is now; the harvest is now; victory is now," says the Lord. “Arise and pursue My cause. Arise and roar. Arise and fight. Arise and shine, for Your light has come, and the glory of your God shines upon you!”
This word is incredible. There is SO MUCH in it. Read it through a few times and allow Holy Spirit to direct your heart toward parts of it He especially wants to minister to you. Share it with others. Use it in prayers. Let’s do so in our prayer today.
Pray with me:
Father, just as You said in this word, the alarm clock of Heaven has sounded, awakening many in the church. Sheep have matured into lions and a roar is being heard throughout the land, a roar from Zion declaring territorial occupation and authority. Your called and sent ones have stepped forward, just as You said they would. Thrones of iniquity are being shaken loose and pulled down.
We declare with You that You will prevail. Your words will prevail. And power to prevail is being poured on Your people. We are seeing hell’s fire misfire. Their mouths are filled with sand and their hearts with quicksand. They will find themselves stuck in their own mire.
We also declare Your word that wells of revival are opening - ancient wells and new ones. Revivals in the wombs of intercessors will now be birthed, intercession soaked regions will now burn with holy fire. Revivalists are being released. “Reality church”, as You called it, will now be seen - real miracles, real power, real glory, real Christianity!
We also declare Your words that angel armies have been released to help us. A greater partnership of earthly and heavenly warriors is emerging to dethrone iniquitous strongholds. Your greatest ever Kingdom campaign of advancement, salvation and deliverance has begun, and will not be stopped! We declare these things in the name of our Commander, Yeshua.
Our decree:
We decree that heaven’s alarm clock has awakened a warrior remnant, and their roar is being heard in our land.
June 30, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jun 30, 2023
The Difficult Made Easy
As more and more people awaken to the power of prayer, God is training and connecting them. Our personal times of prayer are critic... View MoreJune 30, 2023
By Dutch Sheets, Jun 30, 2023
The Difficult Made Easy
As more and more people awaken to the power of prayer, God is training and connecting them. Our personal times of prayer are critically important, but we should also pray with others, activating the power of agreement and the synergy it produces. As Tom Schlueter has told us this week, it takes an army. I can assure you that our need for this will increase, not diminish, in the days ahead.
For the past two days, Tom and I have shared several principles necessary to develop and function as an army. Here is a brief recap:
Grassroots - We are ALL priests, representing Christ, the High Priest. No “big me’s, little you’s.” All the blades of grass form the grassroots movement; all the knots comprise the net.
Position - All have a “position,” a sphere of influence, they are assigned to pray into, as well as a position in the army.
Obedience - The Texas prayer network under Tom began through his act of obedience, driving and praying around the entire circumference of the state.
Inclusion - Leaders must recognize all the “knots,” allowing them to take their places in the net.
Connect - Leaders must work to connect the army, and also to train them.
In today’s post, Tom and I want to share a few more principles regarding building a prayer army. In 2003-04, obeying a clear word from Holy Spirit, Chuck Pierce and I traveled to all 50 states, gathering leaders and intercessors. Our purpose was to help unite the intercessors, and release prophetic words of purpose and strategy to each state. Summaries of what Holy Spirit said to them are given in our book, The Prophetic Destiny of a Nation. Tom shares two words Holy Spirit released over Texas:
“Dutch declared: ‘There is a mantle on Texas to bring forth change in America. I say there is a governmental anointing on the State of Texas – on the church of Texas – to rise up in her position in heavenly places and begin to legislate, to release the government of God, that changes the government of man.’
“Chuck released this word. ‘There is a nation in your loins, and you will birth a nation. God is giving you the authority to address giants who are stopping it. There will be a grassroots movement from Texas, that will be seen throughout the nation, and the giant will be addressed. It will be known that from Texas a nation was birthed, a nation went to war, and a nation had the victory.’”
Now you know why the concept of a grassroots movement is so important to Tom! One of the things I have appreciated so much about him and TXAPN is their determination to hear and obey what Holy Spirit says. HE gives them their strategies and assignments. Without exception, the most significant breakthroughs and transformation around the nation are occurring in states that follow this pattern. That should not surprise us: “Put your trust in the Lord your God, and you will endure. Put your trust in His prophets, and succeed” (2 Chronicles 20:20, NASV; also see Ezra 5:1-2; 6:14). Yes, prophecy must be judged (through Scripture and the ways of God) and must be carefully interpreted. But, if and when it is deemed to be a word from Holy Spirit, prayer and faith must then be released, action and obedience implemented.
As a prayer army, a united company, Tom and TXAPN have honored the Lord’s instructions in many ways. As examples, Tom says:
“When I started forming a network in my own city of Arlington, Texas, I would simply reach out to people in my own congregation. They then reached out to people in other congregations. We met more people as we started gathering in small prayer groups and carrying out prayer initiatives for the city. Before we knew it, we had over 25 congregations or ministries represented in the network and over a hundred people praying together for our city. We were committing ourselves to each other for a common purpose and goal. Assignments from the Lord that are difficult for one or two people become easy when many are doing them.
“For instance, at the Lord’s prompting, I easily drove my car the forty-four miles around the circumference of our city. But when the Lord said to prayer walk it, this was no longer a task for one! It had to be an army - and we had one. We walked it seven times!
“Later, the Lord instructed me to drive the circumference of the state, which I did. But as the army formed, He asked us to pray at all the rivers, all 254 counties, all the courthouses, and all the entry points in and out of the state! It takes an army! And it requires obedience!”
Another word from the Lord which TXAPN obeyed required humility and some soul-searching. Tom tells us:
“The first prophetic word I gave as this network formed, was in 2007. After Chuck Pierce commissioned me, he surprised me by handing me the microphone. The Lord immediately declared through me, ‘I will use this state to help change a nation, if you’ll deal with your two major sins as a state - pride and independence.’
“These words define two of the greatest obstacles the Ekklesia faces in arising to its destiny as a grassroots army. We must remind ourselves that the world does not revolve around us - our ministry, our network, or our ideas. Too many people are competing for the limelight, seeking to be the most important leader or ministry. Most would deny this motivation, but the fruit reveals otherwise.
“Here in Texas, we’ve had to deal with both of these sins on a regular basis. Even throughout our nation, many would say that Texas is filled with pride. Texans often consider themselves the greatest, most important, and biggest (at least until they visit Alaska).
“They also consider themselves to be independent ‘cusses,’ people who can do it by themselves, regardless of what the rest of the world says or does. The antidote to this is covenant. The Lord has driven this revelation deep into our network. A desire for covenant drives us. The numbers, our leadership style, strategies - these don’t define our network. Covenant relationships and connections define us!
“To deal with the roots of pride and independence in Texas, the Lord had us conduct a ‘pride and independence’ initiative. He led us to go and pray in Independence, Texas (yes, there is!), where we declared our dependence on Him, and then to Pride, Texas (yes, there was!). Fittingly, at Pride, Texas, the only thing left of the town was Pride Cemetery. In these places, we repented and asked for those roots to be uprooted from Texas. We believe this was done, and the fruits of humility and cooperation will now prevail.”
Pray with me:
Father, we are not looking to build more organizations or institutions. We do want to build life-giving relationships, connecting with other believers to advance Your cause. We are asking You today to enact a sovereign, highly effective movement to unite believers for Your causes. In Yeshua’s name, we denounce and bind the religious, sectarian spirits that divide us. Forgive us for the pride and religiosity behind our man-made walls, and do a work to unite us. May inclusion replace division, cooperation replace isolationism.
As we expand existing prayer networks and build others, we ask You to create many opportunities for people to connect. Show leaders how to be found, and seekers how to find. And as we work together, “paint” every state and national border with Holy Spirit’s presence and power. Anchor every state to the secure anchors You have placed in the nation. As individuals and teams “command the foreword,” release the resurrection power of Holy Spirit into the roots You gave our nation.
We decree over America once again that You formed us, You will resurrect us, and You will preserve us. You are exposing and judging evil in America, and will continue to do so - in government, media, education, and elsewhere. You will shake down every antichrist kingdom and eradicate every wicked scheme. And You will prevail.
Our decree:
We decree that the prayer movement is expanding, the Ekklesia is growing, and a glorious church is emerging.
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