Biden cements his legacy as The Most Corrupt President in the history of The United States of America! Democrats never did give a damn about The United States Constitution or America and Americans.
Seriously, what is it about pedos that Democrats love so much?!
145 House Dems vote against bill to deport migrants who commit sexual assault
A bill to deport illegal immigrants accused of sexual assault or domestic violence passed the House on Thursday.
The democratic party should be banned from any political party ever!!!!!
I believe that many in that party are into that lifestyle and that's why they protect those who are like them! Many of them see nothing wrong with being a pedophile!
Leftists will blow this smoke, but there's really nothing to it in actuality or reality.
Mark Levin unveils the TRUTH about birthright citizenship Dems keeps hidden: 'It’s not in the Constitution' | Blaze Media
The hullabaloo surrounding âbirthright citizenshipâ is certain to escalate as the Trump administration begins preparing to carry out mass deportations. Mark Levin says that the notion of birthright ci
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Biden and the entire Democrat Party - Incompetent and thoroughly corrupt.
WATCH: Joe Biden's Senior Moments (We Told You So Edition)
As Joe Biden nears the end of his failed term as president, a handful of mainstream journalists are finally starting to admit what most Americans already knew: The people (mostly journalists and other
There is no place for climate alarmism in a sane world. Global climate change is NOT an existential threat. Democrats: immoral then, immoral now.
Be Not Afraid of the Climate
The premise that the world is becoming less livable because of climate change is simply incorrect.
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