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Nicolas Hoar

Male. Lives in Saint-Louis, Reunion.
The Deplorable Patriot
157 Members
Politics and Elections
GM F-Bodies Worldwide
31 Members
Nicolas Hoar
Get out of the system of domination by pyramidal volume hierarchy! What are you waiting for?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GTrAUiN5PY
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Nicolas Hoar
Bizness is bizness karpman mode is used make problem to create solution 1f606.png1f60a.png
November 6, 2022
Matt Thompson
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Matt Thompson
Nothing on the left... Nothing in the right. It’s simply those that want to save America against those that want to destroy Her. PATRIOTS UNITE!
Nicolas Hoar
Google has never been our friend, this is the dangerous ennemy of people #deepstate #vanguard #davos #crimeagainsthumanity
Nicolas Hoar
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Nicolas Hoar
What Trump says, Trump does 👍👊🙏 Which is not the case with Manu de Macronistan 😄😂 In french: " Ce qui n'est pas le cas de Manu of Macronistan " 😄😂... View More
Nicolas Hoar
The vaccinated have an alphanumeric address thanks to the vaccine they made the mistake of trusting. They're groomed for social credit slavery. #creditsocial #numericidentity #macaddress #alphanumeri... View More
Nicolas Hoar
updated his cover photo.
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Nicolas Hoar
More negative or agressive
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Nicolas Hoar
This dangerous and satanic men want trans children. Putin is ennemy of Bidon, powered by deep state, because he want to save his people of lgbtq and pedo or more transhumanist invaders. #deepstate ... View More
Nicolas Hoar
updated his cover photo.
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