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Jesus lopez

Male. Lives in Catania, Italy. Born on August 23, 1960. Is in an open relationship.
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Cubano de origen anticomunista 100% capitalista
Patria y libertad por una Cuba libre
Jesus lopez
Son como los herreros que abordados por el ruido de sus yunque no oyen las tempestades de la villa ni los humanos tumbados por el hambre del presente ¡cubano! La historia está escrita y se continúa e... View More
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Matt Thompson
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Matt Thompson
They want to shut us up. Don’t they? They don’t want us gathering together. Do they? They don’t want us to communicate in any way. Do they? They want full control of our lives. Don’t they? Patriots h... View More
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Matt Thompson
Nothing on the left... Nothing in the right. It’s simply those that want to save America against those that want to destroy Her. PATRIOTS UNITE!
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Jesus lopez
America es grande
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