Swedish Communist observing 'the American dream' from afar. Pleasure to make your acquaintance!
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Christina Colmer
I know, I've started really filtering who I friend. My messages are turned off so I don't get any more messages from these guys. If there profile doesn't have anything but a picture or their info says widowed or single I don't accept it.

Christina Colmer

Christina Colmer
He sent me messages and because I didn't respond he called me

I understand what you're saying, but the ones that I'm talking about who truly are scammers leave no doubt in anyone's mind what they're saying and why.
Friended him, then get a stupid message to which I don’t reply to messages because I really know none of my friends on Wimkin, so I see that as a sign when confirming a friend request, to then get a damn “Hello” message, so then I unfriended him & then Blocked him out
Scammers Are Gonna Scam Doesnt Matter What Social Media Site It Is They Have Them
What are your passing plans? Are they traditional or experimental like this?
Human composting: California clears the way for greener burial method
State is the fifth to legalize environmentally friendly process that allows for natural reduction of human remains to soil
How does this make American Christians feel? How would/can you reverse this?
Christians in the US could be a minority group by 2070, study finds
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It enrages me to see Biden suddenly care about the Queen of England. He's of mostly Irish descent and I swear I've seen clips of him denouncing the monarchy. He shouldn't be invited to her funeral, no... View More
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