IMPORTANT: If you have hung on to your Facebook account as I have because of your many friends and relatives who refuse to leave, now is the time to bombard it HEAVILY with the many positive aspe... View More
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Mark l gover
Or lets finish it off by everyone deleting their accounts

William Lockette
Good call, lady. Shall do!
Facebook has blocked me because I tried to share was WAY too important and they can't have it get out!!!!!! So I downloaded it and I'm sharing it this way. I w... View More
Observations of a HS student.
Facebook blocked me from sharing this because it didn't fit their agenda of controlling us! They have subsequently blocked me from sharing anything. So ... I downloaded it and shared it anyway!
Why would they block this video?
There are hundreds out there...and THANK GOD!
It is always inspiring to see the younger generation stand up!
Thankyou for sharing this young mans testimony.
This is a spiritual war, it is larger than any ideology.... View More
THERE IS HOPE! This young man, Aaron Fulcher, is running for a school board position in Lebanon, Tennessee.
Aaron Fulcher, School Board Candidate in Lebanon, TN. THERE IS HOPE!!!!
Aaron Dawson Fulcher ... hope for the future!
Congrats, Aaron...
Already 72 views.
Wimkin family: make this go viral on any and all platforms where you are a member!!!!
If you know ANYONE in the media on ANY level ( local to national) SHARE!!!!!!!
One of my favirite songs to sing. This was recorded at The Local in Nashville.
I can listen to your beautiful voice ALL day long. Something about the female country voice that turns me on...may be the reason I married a Ga Peach...

alicia live 022323
Delete the FB account! How much BS does it take for you to do the right thing anyway??
Deleted my Facebook account right after they stole the 2020 election and never looked back.
Don's transplant was a total success....a Miracle, as evidenced!