How hard is this to understand?
Our FREE tier is the EXACT same thing you get on every other platform without us selling you like a who*e commodity with ever click, post, and literally your internet... View MoreHow hard is this to understand?
Our FREE tier is the EXACT same thing you get on every other platform without us selling you like a who*e commodity with ever click, post, and literally your internet search behavior for targeted ads. You have to add / follow people to see their content when you sign up there, but then they sell you. There is a FREE tier here. 100% free LIKE ALL OTHER PLATFORMS but you have full data privacy here.
By us offering the wide open feed for everyone to see 24/7, it caused people to leave because the feed moves too fast, people thought we were censoring them because their content gets buried due to sometimes, 5 posts a damned second, and no influencers you just love to follow on other platforms would join us because of the same thing I've now talked about ad nausem for 2 months, and yet again above. Again, the reason they wouldn't join is because we weren't doing what we are doing now. Their posts aren't seen.
I have done more for free speech than any one person you know. That I can guarantee. And I've paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, relationships and personal health for you to have it. Nobody helped me for the 9 months I didn't lay down to the app stores after being banned and blamed for J6. Nobody helped me after being subpoenaed twice by the USDOJ and the two separate demands from J6. But you know what? I had your back. And I always will.
Enough is enough. I'm done addressing it. Stop your crying. Build friends like you would anywhere else, or Pay $10.00 a month to see all content from any user so you have to do nothing. Stop harassing me because you miss a feed that cost me my life + $10,000 - $12,000 a month based on resources and server and database activity while you sat on your couch talking loudly while doing not a damned thing to better this country. You literally are the problem and can't see that.
If you're on the free tier like all other platforms, add people. Use the members tab. Join groups. Like pages. Put in some damned work.
Faketriots vs. Patriots. I'll take Patriots all day long. I am one. Are you? If you're crying about this platform because you can't simply use the members tab and add friends, YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND US AND YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE. Research how we fought for you. If you're still mad, you should really stop acting like a conservative and someone that cares about this country or freedom of speech.