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IAM Canada
Nothing will ever make Mango Mussolini a good human being. His known crimes alone should make all reasonable people shun him. Keep believing if you want, he is still a pedophile to begin with.
IAM Canada
Just a reminder: Cadet bones spurs was a disaster as president. Now he's a known crack dealer and y'all are still bowing down to your golden idol. I'm too woke? Wake the fuck up.
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IAM Canada
Freedom is a relative term, kind of an illusion, a social construct. If you think you need to be free of people telling you not to be so racist, then find a different country where racism is tolerate... View More
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Bob Teardrop
Fuck you , free country free speech bitch . Am white and am proud to be white if you dont like your skin well you know where they sell rope bitch
August 18, 2022 Edited
IAM Canada
For those of you trumpians who believe that the Ken Ham creation museum is a good thing: They actually have purchased several relics that they know for a fact are much older than 6,000 years simply t... View More
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IAM Canada
More and more Trumptards be trolling me. Hey 33% of Americans what Republican in every race. This benefits only the upper 1%.... View More
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John Arter
I do owe you a thank you though it's people like you that help me delete the retards from my friends list
August 18, 2022
Bob Teardrop
You're a special kind of stupid aren't you.
August 18, 2022
John Arter
John Arter replied - 1 reply
Mark Middaugh
Dumb fucking democrats need to kill themselves to save the environment
August 18, 2022
John Arter
John Arter replied - 1 reply
IAM Canada
Hate when they try to pretend the Earth is 6,000 years old, they're actually agreeing that you should literally interpret scripture. One commandment says don't kill and another book of the Bible says... View More
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