Just days after the “Red Wave,” Senate Republicans are already acting like a bunch of whipped puppies.
Instead of taking the offensive by electing a proven pro-gun fighter to lead the caucus, Republi... View MoreJust days after the “Red Wave,” Senate Republicans are already acting like a bunch of whipped puppies.
Instead of taking the offensive by electing a proven pro-gun fighter to lead the caucus, Republicans have opted to nominate a trio of Senators with a history compromising on YOUR gun rights.
And the betting favorite to win the coveted position of Senate Majority Leader is Texas Senator, and perennial gun grabber John Cornyn.
Senator John Cornyn has personally done more harm to gun rights than ANY member of Congress... Democrat or Republican.
That’s because every time a major gun control bill has been signed into law, it passed with Cornyn’s blessing.
Don’t let politicians waste this opportunity to save gun rights.
Sign your “Demand pro-gun Senate Leadership” petition today.
Richard when Biden was desperate to pass gun control in 2022, John Cornyn handed him S. 2938 - the largest gun control package in a generation, on a silver platter.
During this massive political fight, Biden and Cornyn were thick as thieves, and Biden even referred to Cornyn as a “Rational Republican” on gun control.1
The smitten Senator replied that he was “Happy to be part of [Biden’s] coalition of the rational.”2
As Biden’s cheerleader and BFF in the Senate GOP Caucus, Cornyn used his political influence to whip feeble Republicans into supporting these gun control provisions:
*** Sponsored Biden’s National “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation. Giving a bonus to crime-ridden blue states with gun confiscation on the books and providing a financial incentive and political cover for more states to follow suit.
*** Expanded Federal “No Guns” List. Stripping gun rights from men and women for simply having a toxic relationship or a bad breakup all in the name of further limiting the number of Americans who can exercise their Second Amendment rights.
*** Stripped 2A Rights from Young Adults. Subjecting young adults who want to purchase a firearm to a gauntlet of bureaucratic red tape while further enhancing the colossal NICS Gun Registry.
Cornyn’s history of capitulating to the Dems on gun control was even happening when Republicans were in the majority!
Countless Americans have been funneled into the federal gun registry thanks to the 2018 FIX NICS gun grab that was penned by... you guessed it, John Cornyn.
Richard, any Republican who’s done this much damage to YOUR gun rights deserves to be kicked out of the party.
But John Cornyn thinks he deserves to be in charge.
And unfortunately, there’s another Senator who is rumored to be seeking the top job who also a horrible anti-gun record.
I’m talking about Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), who is also an unapologetic supporter of “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation - signing it into law when he was Governor of Florida.
The third candidate running is Senator John Thune (R-SD).
And while Thune doesn’t have quite the rap sheet that Cornyn and Scott have, his 2A track record is far from perfect.
You see, Thune Voted for S. 2226 - the so-called “Undetectable Firearms Act”, and for gun control propaganda research, H.R. 2882.
Richard, pro-gun voters turned out in droves to hand Republicans a strong Senate Majority.
And how do these ungrateful politicians repay us?
By nominating a lineup of gun control compromisers to call the shots for the next two years.
Don’t let the politicians squander the opportunity to restore gun rights in the upcoming Congress.
Click here to sign your “Demand Pro-Gun Senate Leadership" Petition immediately.
And please make a personal investment in the restoration of the Second Amendment by donating to YOUR National Association for Gun Rights today.
As always, I am grateful for your activism and generosity.
For Freedom,
Ryan Flugaur
Vice President
National Association for Gun Rights
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