I have a question. It's obvious the government has NO control of our southern border. It's no longer a flood of illegal aliens, it's a freaking TIDAL WAVE, and title 42 is still in effect. So here is... View MoreI have a question. It's obvious the government has NO control of our southern border. It's no longer a flood of illegal aliens, it's a freaking TIDAL WAVE, and title 42 is still in effect. So here is my question:
WHEN does it become the responsibility of American citizens to secure the border? And I will tell you right now, idle threats and ignored laws are NOT going to get the job done. The way I see it, it's going to take armed citizens...militia in other words...with Constitutional justification to use lethal force to stop illegal aliens from INVADING our country.
"A country with no borders is NOT a country."