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Male. Lives in Silver City, United States. Born on August 5, 1949. Is married.
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Retired Deputy Sheriff, Cook County, IL.
Gary Musser
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Banned for 29 days (again) on Facebook for posting "Fight crime, shoot back". I guess FB supports crime and criminal activity. 🙄
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Gary Jenkinson
Should have wrote "Be a patriot blow the head of a federal agent today"
February 14, 2023 Edited
I have a question. It's obvious the government has NO control of our southern border. It's no longer a flood of illegal aliens, it's a freaking TIDAL WAVE, and title 42 is still in effect. So here is... View More
Every time I read about the FBI involved IN ANYTHING, I immediately distrust the story.
I dunno about anyone else, but I am pretty uneasy with a guy who shakes hands with invisible people and stumbles repeatedly going up a flight of stairs, having his finger on the nuke forces. The Dems... View More
RINOS and never-Trumpers joining forces to attack Trump about a dinner guest. These idiots forget what happened last time they went after Trump. He got elected. They are stirring up pro-Trumpers in a ... View More
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