Looking for some help guys. O have a friend that has had all her vaccine booster and since her last one in April, she has been experiencing extreme weight loss, inability to eat relatively any type of... View MoreLooking for some help guys. O have a friend that has had all her vaccine booster and since her last one in April, she has been experiencing extreme weight loss, inability to eat relatively any type of food, severe constipation, severe lower back pain and most days cannot get out of bed or walk thru her house without assistance. She is about 55 and has slight diabetes which ladt showed a sugar level of 165 so she is keeping it fairly under control. She is seeing doctors who run tests, find nothing and send her home until the next round of tests. All the while she is continuing to deteriorate and is in excruciating pain. I think she is reacting to the damn vaccines. Any suggestions whom she can reach out to?? Thanks in advance.❤