We have all heard his cries.. and he's right
Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond
When I first came across Oliver Anthony and his music, I was blown away to say the least. He had a whole collection of songs that I could listen to for hours. Oliver resides in Farmville, VA with hi
But keep thinking you are the invisible middle-class... It's gone folks thanks Reaganomics
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I come here from time to time to gauge the level of crazy here... I post when something irks me or is partially wrong or just plainly without common sense
I read and have read our history..lots of it... View MoreI come here from time to time to gauge the level of crazy here... I post when something irks me or is partially wrong or just plainly without common sense
I read and have read our history..lots of it... More than taught in school... We were disgusting.. and lots of us only swallow what is fed to them...
The Constitution was and is not perfect... Read 55 Men by Fred Rodell... They never meant for us to have such control...
John Adams(D) put out an ad to return his slaves.. Abe Lincoln (R) freed slaves... This has been the basis on which positions have been laid... 2 men...
2 men do not a nation make therefore not factual base to such assessments
The KKK started the police... Shortly after slaves were emancipated and given voting rights they were formed to suppress votes... Morphed into today's police
White privilege... People not of color misunderstand this term... It does not mean rich white folks...there are things people of color are taught that we don't ever have to be concerned with...ex. my son gets pulled over no licence on person registration and insurance all in wallet left on his dresser ... 5 min stop parking ticket issued ... My sister's mixed son walks into a store and is followed thru stopped and escorted to the back when he's done nothing wrong ..
ex. Tuskegee airmen...what do white folks know of these men .. they were the first of an elite team of black airmen.. what we didn't know was experiments were done up into more recent time on the effects of untreated syphilis... What I got out of that read was racism started because of penis envy...
I know lots of folks here think Trump a wildcard..a different kind of candidate.. he is a con... Unloved, unsuccessful, unappreciative, and quite frankly broke... He is credit rich shrinks and inflated his balance to accommodate his needs...
Do true research... Failed at a casino.. how the fuck you fuck up a licence to print money.. don't pay your bills that's how... Sued constantly... More friendly with Epstein and the Clinton's than he wants anyone to know... Supported Hilary against Obama and tried to basically erase his presidency while reaping benefits from his policies
If you know anything about American politics you know the first term is no doing of their own folks it's the last guys policy you are stuck with...look at the mess Obama came into and regulations that were changed...
Our farmers got subsidized because of these tariffs.. Tariffs mind you Ivanka was exempt from while all her business is over seas... Tariffs we the American people pay because we make nothing here
Everyone bitching bout gas cost and that damn pipeline's relief ... Look that line was a waste line of the dirtiest shit.. none goes to us it is piped to Canada...
This document bullshit.. he was given briefings regularly about all kinds of national "secrets".... Does that make them his personal property? NO would you want US secrets touted around to anyone outside of the appropriate people to know our weaknesses.. he did this.. it's recorded... If he had just cooperated... But no there is proof of that as well... the documents are so sensitive they only are telling us the least of it cause that's all we are cleared for.... Geraldo was tossed out of broadcasting for a bit for drawing a map in sand to show an exercise once... This man had actual copies of the plans ..
The man took the meeting with a foreign opposition regime without any witnesses after some questionable shit with his election... Look the bitch won the popular vote by 14m....this man loses by 11,760 votes in a state and pressed the guy on the top to fix it on recording
Look I get it.. we are sick of the American Government as it sets...he is an entertainer... Granted we have seen this happen in the past Reagan
Ron Reagan was also an actor turned president... Did some good with the wall ending the Cold war... But also flooded the country with drugs incandescently to support guns in guerilla warfare elsewhere... Trickle down economics that never worked cause the greedy at the top of the trickle cut off the flow
This guy gives you the illusion that the middle class actually exists.. the middle class disappeared long ago you're just not willing to admit your poor... If you ain't wiping your ass with real hundred dollar bills I am sorry to say you ain't shit...if you go to the same stores as us mongrels you still poor....
All the Christian folk here spitting souch venom y'all don't realize you have become snakes yourself... These stories we read in that big book at that fancy place where everyone judges each other.. you know the one
The American people are right in the center of the story of Bablyl...one day the common folk who marveled at the Gods wanted to know their miraculous wonder, they decided to build a tower to the heavens, they were making great progress, the Gods were angered, not wanting everyone to know their secrets, so while the slept the Gods changed their native tongues, so went they woke no one could communicate
See the parallels.. throughout history.. all history, as soon as the people of the land rise up those on the top seek to divide us...it's the same now black/ white gay/ straight.. anything to divide
There is way too much diversity for all to agree... That's why we have these processes.. but today's political players are not honorable... None of them ... They are put in to legitimate not investigate... But the agencies that do have been corrupted since they began lying to us... Started with the capture of an airmen they couldn't find so proclaimed dead and was later found dead... Just like spanking your children it gets easier after the first time....
Somewhere around Vietnam we lost our way and have never been the same... Maybe because the less than realized they were still slaves no matter what we had been told... As I have said only country where you are foot-printed and given a number... Your parents are paid for your existence until 18 when you the dependent has to start paying it back for the illusion of freedom... Sure we can procreating and buy all we want but they get their cut... Supposedly we left for tax and religious freedom... Not the slightest but true... We were thrown out for trying to enslave folks there.. we came and tried to enslave a nation that had the best of ideas.. when they didn't comply they were slaughtered and their way are long being forgotten...
I can go on and on folks....just like you
We need to stop searching for the differences folks, there there yes, but so are the similarities... We go further together than divided...yes research... But really research to way back in order to understand... Big problem nowadays... People listen to respond not to understand.. you can't think your opinion is always right.. you have to look at the whole picture to understand the story
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