Suddenly the left and democrats are wailing about the children that were slaughtered in the recent school shooting. So they care about the young, right? But how can that be when they are the same peop... View More
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Donald Garman
They so screwed up... They lost all reasoning.
Fred Smith
It's all about taking guns away from law abiding americans who just want to protect their families and happen to have conservative values! They want to disarm especially conservatives so leftist government can by force make you do whatever they say, nomatter what. Criminals who illegally have illega... View More
Marilyn Hitesman
Liberal governance, divisiveness, and entitlement has created a lawless, irresponsible, sick society. Infringing upon good citizens rights will not since any problems but crate more. Typical government. Government is never the answer. Fix the family. Fix the ethics. Fix the American and person... View More