Common Sense Evaluation
My Five Step Plan to Restoring Constitutional Government
My Five Step Plan to Restoring Constitutional Government - Common Sense Evaluation
My Five Step Plan to Restoring Constitutional Government - Congress does need experienced politicians. Congress needs people who have suffered the hardships created by those EXPERIENCED POLITICIANS!
Stop WHO Global Pandemic Treaty AND Defund the WHO
Contact your U.S. representative and senators and urge them to enact H.R. 419, to stop the implementation and/or enforcement of the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty.
"Monkeypox" may only be a big distraction from what's really coming, once 5G is ready to be used (against the "vaccinated")
Dr. Rashid Buttar gives us a fair warning that it would be grievous folly NOT to send to everyone we know
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Monkeypox Outbreak Leads to First Mandatory Quarantine in Country That Hosted Massive Gay Pride Festival
"The monkeypox outbreak coincides with an aggressive push for the World Health Organization to accrue vast new powers"...
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MonkeyPox Scare & 12 Natural Remedies To Know To Prepare
Here's a close look at the 2021 report which predicted the Monkeypox outbreak (yes, the exact date is predicted in the document).
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