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Graham Carruthers
Lots more too
Anyone have Travelers Auto Insurance in Pa?? They just informed me after a phone call, they are raising auto ins 20% in the state of PA🤨
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What aren't they raising in PA?! We have the highest federal taxes. Gas taxes. Wolf sucked and now that Josh Shapiro was cheated in, we are royally screwed!
11 Ways to Detox Your Liver | Touchstone Essentials
Our livers are under constant stress due to everyday toxin exposure. Give your liver a break with these 11 natural ways to detox your liver.
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Commentary speculates WHY Joe Biden gets so much ice cream
Joe Biden is a fan of ice cream. Repeatedly during his campaigning, and in office, he's made side trips to an ice cream shop wherever he travels.
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Maps, timeline of the latex chemical spill that threatened drinking water in Philadelphia
Tests of drinking water find no contamination yet from a spill of up to 12,000 gallons of chemicals near Philadelphia. Here's what happened.
University Reimburses Students After Woke Professor Goes Too Far with Her Demands
“We conducted a review of the MKT 250 Business Communication class and assignment materials based on feedback."
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