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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.
Why do we tolerate this? Because we do not want to “play” into the democrats hands? The Democrat project their hatred for Republicans state Republicans are a threat when the Democrats kill Republicans? To hell with being peaceful while waiting to be killed.
I understand your sentiment. Based on research & local contacts I have in ND, the published information is accurate. That stated, I stand behind what I stated. The only group that is showing restraint is the group being maliciously maligned by the Democratic Party. The only group that is bring attac... View More
Gays Against Gr██mers on Twitter
And more importantly than the woke homophobia is the fact that more and more companies are coming out in full support of the sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization of minors.
They will so
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Hey Jay! Just thought I’d reach out and let you know Chico deleted your comments. He also deleted the one that had the conversation he had with you about your daughter and wife from his page. I tagged... View More