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Nerdy Ogre

Male. Lives in San Antonio, United States. Born on February 16, 1978. Is married.
About Me
Looking for some nerd games.
Gamer Geeks
33 Members
The Tabletop Guild
18 Members
Tabletop Gaming Crew
13 Members
Nerdy Ogre
Has anyone ever been befuddled by something, I mean totally racking your brain for days. Then you finally get it and you're now questioning your own IQ? I'm asking for a friend.
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Nerdy Ogre
Nerdy Ogre
We're going to Sea World today!
Nerdy Ogre
updated his profile photo.
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Nerdy Ogre
So, to anyone who might see this, do you know what a ttrpg is, and if so, have you ever played?
Love (1)
Bradley Simpson
Yes I do know. I have played Star Frontiers, Top Secret, Paranoia, Robotech, D&D multiple editions, Gamma World, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulu, etc. Sky is the limit. =)
December 11, 2023
Nerdy Ogre
Nerdy Ogre replied - 1 reply
Nerdy Ogre
I have the sad. My game has been postponed. Alas, will I ever become a decent Game Master?
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