Politics and Elections
Let's remember all that served and gave their lives so we can live freely. We must not allow the liberal left to take away our freedoms. God bless America and God bless all that died protecting our Co... View More
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Trump Proud! Boating and Supporting.
Desperate times, desperate measures! My heart bleeds Red,White, and Blue. If we were old enough to protect and serve this country at 18...We should never allow to be stripped out of our constitutional... View More
A wake up call for the woke! Learn to obey laws and follow rules. It's what you get when you believe Russia and communism is better that the USA. Rotten piece of garbage.
What could be next for Brittney Griner
There are many details we still don't know about WNBA star Brittney Griner's recent arrest in Russia. But there's a lot we can learn from the experiences of Americans who were arrested
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if she ever makes it out of there..maybe she'll stand for the National Anthem huh?
LOL! She pled Guilty and probably thinks they will do a prisoner exchange for her.. bwahaha. Start learning to respect our flag. If not learn to respect theirs for the next 5 years.
I wrote a great 5 star review for this app commending then for their platform that allows free speech. Debate is a healthy thing because not everyone holds same views in life. Google removed my rating... View More
Fuck Biden and his Stupid Foreign Policies. We need to continue what Trump started and our voices need to be heard. Don't let the liberal, communist trolls keep injecting false information and letting... View More
I love our Governor! A true elected official that stands for the people! We need to vote out all the Rhinos and endorse more like DeSantis.