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Joe van
You know...no "ding" on the republicans for having a "contract with America " but isn't it supposed to be second nature that people who represent the people of America are naturally supposed to do wha... View More
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Joe van
Remember when the shelves get empty...it was the world economic forum and the progressive socialists that did this
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Joe van
I'm really disheartened. I had a discussion/debate about lebron and the Chinese slavery thing....I was attacked as a racist first, then was told that I only get my info from fox....but when I Google t... View More
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Joe van
Another day in paradise.
Joe van
I put new msgs on my back window every week. No one is safe. Blm,antifa,rinos etc...we need to keep educating people
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Joe van
The world economic forum has banned fertlizer in many countries. There is a world wide drought in many countries. How come the fake news doesn't report this ? Americans should be preparing by storing ... View More
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