So if this truly truth social, I can post my opinion?
From observation I have concluded that :
There's no such thing as systemic racism.... View MoreSo if this truly truth social, I can post my opinion?
From observation I have concluded that :
There's no such thing as systemic racism.
BLM stole your money corporate bitches
Blm and antifa are the terrorists
Until the democrats disassociate themselves from the left. They should be treated as socialists
There are only boys and girls and mental disease
It is not popular to believe in God, love your family or your country
If you don't fully commit to an operation then you are a liar and a tranavestite
Kids are easily groomed for the sexual predation of teachers
The kkk was formed by the democrats to suppress blacks from voting republican
The republican party was solely formed to stop slavery
Planned parenthood was formed by a kkk members wife. With the explicit direction to be put in black neighborhoods for the extermination of blacks
If BLM gave a shit, they would stop the average 80 blacks every week from getting shot in Chicago
The average white guy just wants to work and feed his family. We are not interested in keeping anyone down.
Democrats have never voted on any bill liberating blacks
Trump had the highest black Latino employment...not barrack the black president
Not all democrats are socialists...but all socialists are democrats
From bidens track record of being apathetic to the wishes of the people regarding the border, economy, and foreign can only be inferred that he wants to destroy the country from the inside
Boys should not compete against girls.
What would you think if you saw a norm competing in the special's shameful and immoral.
Wake up. Speak up. Vote