Jas TexasUSA shared a photo
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It's the ungrateful ilhan omar
Her in somalia
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Common Sense Evaluation
“If you move against Ukraine while I’m president,” Trump is said to have told the Russian leader, “I will hit Moscow.” Putin reportedly scoffed, “No way,” leading Trump to say, “All those beautiful go... View More
Trump talks about Putin, mocking Merkel and more at Mar-a-Lago
It was Presidents’ Day and Donald Trump looked especially relaxed. Wearing a white golf shirt emblazoned with the presidential seal and a bright red MAGA hat with “45” on both sides, he was talk
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ray Muller shared a photo
Georgie Porgie's money laundry Escapade is over in Ukraine! it's gone its over George all your money all your sick foundation' & projects to destroy our planet' you bitch is over' just like that Put... View More
Prairie Rose shared a photo
Darrin Clanton shared a photo
HISTORY LESSON! This is why we are NOT a Democracy so when you hear 👂 the COMMUNIST say they are destroying our Democracy they are right! We are a REPUBLIC 😎👍👍👍
We even have conservatives on TV saying things like, "protect our democracy"! Makes me want to throw a beer bottle at the TV (an empty one of course).