It is more than that, the NSW State government is now requiring DA, 'development applications' on all ‘GRANNY FLATS’ and no... View MoreALBO CRACKS DOWN ON 'DA',
It is more than that, the NSW State government is now requiring DA, 'development applications' on all ‘GRANNY FLATS’ and non-permanent dwellings CARAVANS that are hooked up to the GRID, sewerage and postal services for more than 6 months,
So, where in the past, you had/have a tenant living in a granny flat or a caravan on your property, whether you had/have a contract with your tenant privately or through a real-estate service, you originally could have one postal address, if your address number was No.1 in your street, now you will have to have your tenant’s address as No.1A, so that their mail could be sorted out by AUST-POST, if you had/have a contract with your old address number as their address, then your contract with your tenant, if terminated would have the ability to remove you from your own home, plus the sewerage and power would have to be split between No.1 and No.1A, costing you more to have tenants.
So, where would be the benefit to SUBLET and to allow others to share your homestead, pushing up the COSTS of rentals to home and property owners.
This will also make it more difficult for RENTERS, dropping the number of rentals available along with an increase to rental prices.
This is just a money grab by the COUNCILS and the State governments to make a level playing field before they invest in Low-Cost State Housing for low-income earners, which will defeat its purpose before it starts, WELL DONE Chris Minns and ALBO.
Basically no one will make any 'SLY MONEY' under the table before NSW opens up its/your state purse for future development.
JUST ANOTHER LABOR LIE, delays and more delays.
SOME OF US, need to SOAR,
HIT THIS LINK, to see the Loss of a SPECIES,
... View MoreSOME OF US, need to SOAR,
HIT THIS LINK, to see the Loss of a SPECIES,
David Lipari said,
Looks like an EAGLE just got CREAMED!
Gina replied,
Thousands of them, all over the world. They place this shit on migratory paths 🫠🫠
Patterns of surface currents are determined by wind direction, Coriolis forces from the Earth's rotation, and the position of landforms that interact with the currents.
Eagles fly into thermals, using them to conserve energy while migrating or looking for prey.
Thermals are generated when the sun warms the earth's surface, indirectly heating the air closest to the ground, causing it to rise. Soaring birds can use this rising air, to gain elevation and remain aloft for extended periods without flapping their wings.
Maybe we should have a LABOR funded education program to teach EAGLES and BIRDS of PREY, to be re-educated on how to avoid these MAN-MADE DEVISES that create their own EDDY CURRENTS,
unfortunately they (the EAGLES) were nesting and fledged in this same area,
What a PITY, MAN acting like GOD again!
And this is what they are trying to achieve, don't laugh, sit back and relax THEY are in control!
Phil Coates said,... View MoreAnd this is what they are trying to achieve, don't laugh, sit back and relax THEY are in control!
Phil Coates said,
I believe it's called creating division.
Reply to Phil Coates,
Division is the first weapon of Socialism and Communism, it requires little to no effort on the government’s part, once you have created ‘DIVISION’, they just sit back and let the population do the rest, the economy will follow the CHANGES with, beliefs, ideologies, even SEXUAL EXPLOITATION, that will reduce its population and what it eats and how they live in the FUTURE, their demands on the PLANET, even changing the attitude and demographics of its inhabitants, including the rest of EARTH’s ANIMALS, like a controlled environment in a ZOO, there will be NO PERSONALITY, NO DIVERSITY, just ROBOTIC ANDROIDS devoid of ALL EMOTION, factory replicas of each other and once achieve specifically to DESIGN,
MAN will finally be GOD, half engineered, partly with some small part DNA, resembling the original HUMAN DESIGN but none the less, RoboCop or ANDROID mark 1, what follows is the removal of all CO2 from the atmosphere, no other animal life will exist no problem, we won’t need it, the EARTH will no longer be the same planet, we won’t need to breath OXYGEN, neither will our MASTERS.
I am sure we have ALL seen the MOVIE, TERMINATOR 3: Rise of the Machines, (2003).
Take a look, this is what they are trying to achieve, don't laugh, sit back, relax THEY are in control!
....THE END....
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers
Check out the official Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Trailer starring Arnold Schwarzenegger! Let us know what you think in the comments below.
► Watch on FandangoNOW:
What is the Vision Zero program in Sweden firstly implemented in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has proved ... View MoreFAMOUS LAST WORDS or VISION ZERO WORDS,
What is the Vision Zero program in Sweden firstly implemented in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has proved successful across Europe — and now it's gaining momentum in major American cities.
DON'T DRINK and/or do DRUGS and DRIVE, also WORKS!
On a personal note, as a DRIVER and EVEN a PASSENGER, ALL those within CARS have a responsibility to NAVIGATE our STREETS and DRIVEWAYS SAFELY and NOT distracting each other, which could also do more to eliminate our annual death TOLL, BUT HUMANS BEING HUMANS, the word RESPONSIBLE is the BOTTOM LINE.
We believe, it is also a PRIVILEGE, a right of PASSAGE, when we reach that age of CONSENT and obtain a licence, we as a driver's, deserve to be on the ROAD in a VEHICLE.
It is only FORESIGHT, after an accident, we say, 'IF ONLY', again we learn from our mistakes, the majority of our DEATHS and hospital patients are due to road accidents and sports!
So, bring on the SWEDES, with their SAFE CARS and SAFE IDEAS, BUT until they can DESIGN PEOPLE to act like ROBOTS or better self/driving CARS, we will have to mrely on our PUBLIC SERVANTS to 'dish out demerit points and fines' to teach our drivers how to BEHAVE.
The SWEDES would have us slow down or walk/push our cars through obstacles, like in a supermarket carpark!
MAYBE, AI or MORE time with ASSIMILATORS, to test our driving ability, rather than DEMOLITION DERBY on VIDEO GAMES.
Vision Zero Sweden, from the start until today | Trafikverket
When the concept of Vision Zero was introduced in 1995, it turned the traditional view of road safety work upside down. From a focus on the prevention of accidents, the present direction is that no-on
What is the Vision Zero program in Sweden firstly implemented in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has proved ... View MoreFAMOUS LAST WORDS or VISION ZERO WORDS,
What is the Vision Zero program in Sweden firstly implemented in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has proved successful across Europe — and now it's gaining momentum in major American cities.
DON'T DRINK and/or do DRUGS and DRIVE, also WORKS!
On a personal note, as a DRIVER and EVEN a PASSENGER, ALL those within CARS have a responsibility to NAVIGATE our STREETS and DRIVEWAYS SAFELY and NOT distracting each other, which could also do more to eliminate our annual death TOLL, BUT HUMANS BEING HUMANS, the word RESPONSIBLE is the BOTTOM LINE.
We believe, it is also a PRIVILEGE, a right of PASSAGE, when we reach that age of CONSENT and obtain a licence, we as a driver's, deserve to be on the ROAD in a VEHICLE.
It is only FORESIGHT, after an accident, we say, 'IF ONLY', again we learn from our mistakes, the majority of our DEATHS and hospital patients are due to road accidents and sports!
So, bring on the SWEDES, with their SAFE CARS and SAFE IDEAS, BUT until they can DESIGN PEOPLE to act like ROBOTS or better self/driving CARS, we will have to mrely on our PUBLIC SERVANTS to 'dish out demerit points and fines' to teach our drivers how to BEHAVE.
The SWEDES would have us slow down or walk/push our cars through obstacles, like in a supermarket carpark!
MAYBE, AI or MORE time with ASSIMILATORS, to test our driving ability, rather than DEMOLITION DERBY on VIDEO GAMES.
Where is ALL our money going, allow a few seconds, then hit start to view video, it is the ABC, View MoreWhere is ALL our money going, allow a few seconds, then hit start to view video, it is the ABC,
How the implosions of NT Aboriginal legal aid service NAAJA led to a severe lawyer shortage in Alice Springs - ABC News.
Like many other people facing charges in Central Australia, Verna's 31-year-old son can't get a legal aid service lawyer.
There has been calls for NAAJA legal service to be scrapped, John Lawrence SC, said, 'only three of the original 17 lawyers remain, depleting the NT Legal service from representing indigenous in remote regions'.
This service, NAAJA receives $20 million dollars annually to run this service, yet the Federal government has promised another $80 million dollars over the next 5 years, to top up the service to restore its legal numbers.
Each year there has been problems with the service, money mis-managed through interference by TRIBAL ELDERS rather than bureaucracy, bullying and 3 CEO's in recent years.
2023, Included payouts to family members as part of the stolen generations, as Eileen Cummings, who was the original lead plaintiff in the class action, said she was delighted with the $50m settlement for the families of the stolen generation in the Northern Territory and this is where all our money is going.
Requiring an audit, NOT just throwing MORE money and MORE public servants will not 'put HUMPTY DUMPTY back together again'.
Solutions have not worked in the past and the future is looking quite dim, some like John Lawrence SC believe they have the legal answers, but this is just putting an expensive Band-Aid on the problem.
I won't view footage of graphic scenes prior to this Christmas, where her 31-year-old son ended up in jail, as the matter may still play out before the courts, making this post, 'Sub Judas' (under judicial consideration and therefore prohibited from discussion elsewhere), but it is there for those that want to witness the 'out of control' youth violence in local communities in the NT.
It can be viewed on Goggle, please don't POST or SHARE at this moment, thanks!
It seems that youth crime in QLD is looking less of a situation, BUT same problems, just a different racial agenda, MONEY doesn't make problems go away, it can enhance the situation, the solution is EDUCATION and finding young people WORK that they are happy and willing to preform, giving them the incentives and rewards they are after, where HOPE can bring a change to attitudes in our YOUTH's OUTLOOK, keeping them OFF THE STREETS giving them another means of communication rather than VIOLENCE and STREET or TRIBAL GANGS.
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