Politics and Elections
Lies and hate are all the Democrats have.
'Deceptive': Election-Integrity Team Warns Democrat Running For Wisconsin's State Supreme Court To Quit Lying ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
A Democrat judge who is candidate in the coming Wisconsin Supreme Court election has been warned to quit lying about her Republican opponent.
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Hate for Trump is all the Democrats have. If Trump said breathing oxygen is good, they would demand everyone stop breathing... Or find a judge to order everyone to stop breathing.
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“HATE TRUMP” – The Sole goal, Policy, Stance And Ideology Of The Sinking Democrat (Communist) Party And Every Single (Fascist) Liberal In America ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
The Democratic Party and liberals are driven solely by hatred for Donald Trump, rejecting American values like free speech, religion, and prosperity.
Very fishy...
An Alleged Comey ‘Honeypot’ Sex Sting Against Trump Smells Fishy ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
A lawyer claiming to represent an anonymous FBI whistleblower sent a politically explosive letter to Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee alleging former FBI Director James Comey first began i