I'd like to know something here,,, when people commit a crime such as Treason, are they not tried and convicted in a court of law following a sentence of execution?
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Truth Seeker
Depends on your political affiliation. Leftists are free from responsibility. Republicans are punished for the misdeeds of leftists if the leftist is caught. For example, Biden is a leftist, he colluded with Ucrane, and China, but Trump, a republican was charged with the crime and impeached for i... View More

Manfred Tiebs
Yeah ok,,, 😇😅

Mary Carini
High Treason, which Trump made sure they would be charged with (see Trump's EOs 13818, 13848 and 13959) will be brought to MIL Tribunals. Punishment can include death (execution). Look up MIL Tribunals. When charged in MIL court, one loses just about all rights - except to suck wind during trial. Gr... View More
WATCH: Fauci Caught Lying AGAIN, Claims Non-mRNA Vaccines Like "Covaxin" Have Not Been Approved In the US Because "They Have Not Applied" - Turns Out, They HAVE
Dr. Fauci, corporate media, and the Public Health Regime have been lying about Covid since the beginning. On Thursday, Dr. Fauci joined Adrienne Bankert on NewsNation’s Morning in America for an
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This worthless piece of human garbage needs pulled into the streets and hung
This could very well happen,,, they did this to many that turned on there fellow man,, Benito Musolini was a prime example,,,
Thank you Manfred for accepting my friend request 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
No problem,,, how are you doing, and where are you from? I'm in Canada 🇨🇦
Texas wins federal injunction against Biden’s vaccine, mask mandates💥
Michaeldet shared a photo
It will happen,,, The majority of Americans hate this thing so called a human being... and you as well as I do, know that he did not rightfully win that election that was stolen from Trump...
We can only hope and wish. Old Sniffin Joe needs to be put out to pasture.