Mannina is a stock FBI/CIA: priest-sodomized as a todder generationally Jesuit-trained demon-possessed Fifth Column “enemy, domestic” in cult psychotic service as Satanic “action branch” of unrepentant Gog’s Christ-killing Author of Fascism Vatican Anti-Christ we generationally repentant Christian D... View MoreMannina is a stock FBI/CIA: priest-sodomized as a todder generationally Jesuit-trained demon-possessed Fifth Column “enemy, domestic” in cult psychotic service as Satanic “action branch” of unrepentant Gog’s Christ-killing Author of Fascism Vatican Anti-Christ we generationally repentant Christian Deist “whigs,” viz. “anti-Roman Catholics,” see: Hallam and Macaulay, founded America in express covenant with God/JC, to escape. Ezek. 38:11