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I was told by 2 high school students last night that if their mask fall off in school they are required to tape it to their face
Angry (1)
![Deanna Steinman](
Deanna Steinman
I see masks as muzzles.
Get fucked Biden. I heard the illegals Congress senate mail carriers cdc employees and fda employees dont have to get vaccinated
Dennis Layton shared a photo
I will never comply
Wooley Brothers HVAC, located in middle Tennessee. It’s our company policy to 1- not wear mask. 2- if your Vaxxed, we refuse to Provide Services to you.
3- we no longer accept personal checks over 600$
Cash payment must be made in full!
Two... View More
Why do you think they mandated the military to get vaccinated. They knew they could weakin the military cause a lot of them guys ain’t taking it. And he arms the taliban. There’s a big plan for that. ... View More
Biden Admin Imports Potential Afghan Terrorists, Predators Into U.S.
The Biden administration brought tens of thousands of unknown Afghans to the United States without sufficient vetting.
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