“The Divine is infinite. We are a species on one small planet among billions of planets and galaxies and live on this planet for maybe eighty years . Some say that if we “sin” we will be damned f... View More “The Divine is infinite. We are a species on one small planet among billions of planets and galaxies and live on this planet for maybe eighty years . Some say that if we “sin” we will be damned for eternity . The Divine Source of all of creation limitless in eternity would be petty , or should I say exhibiting human pettiness, to condemn us for eternity. A loving Creator , the source of all , manifesting its essence in us is above our limited mind and ego and would not be likely to indulge in our petty human jealousies .
Our behavior in response to our “sin” either saves us or creates separation from Source , and that separation is hell . We need only to turn within , see the spark of the Divine within , and the love of the Divine , and by grace we are “saved” . “
- Ray Spirit Wolf