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The Patriot Party
5001 Members
Politics and Elections
Marc Thompson
Will someone please explain to me how former US Senator Biden has more protection against public access to his archived documents than a “former” President of the United States? As far as I know thes... View More
Marc Thompson
Burgers on my daughter’s homemade brioche buns, and street hockey to close out the day with my boy. Happy fathers’ day all!!
Marc Thompson
Well, here we go kids. BS meters on full auto! This is from a Daily Mail article today…
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31 cases out of 329.5 million people. OMG PANIC EVERYONE!!! PANIC!!! YOU MUST PANIC NOW!!!!
June 7, 2022
Marc Thompson
Walking past, couldn’t resist her beauty. Remembering those that embarked in little boats 78 years ago today, and pressed through Hell to gain a foothold for Victory. May we draw on even a bit of t... View More
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Uncommon valor was a common virtue
June 6, 2022
Marc Thompson
This is a cut & paste. Feel free to steal and refine :)
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Marc Thompson
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