WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Hullbilly Friday'',
(pics on wimkin),
... View More10-25-'24,
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Hullbilly Friday'',
(pics on wimkin),
Still have a few things to button up in my heat recovery experiment, but the ''big rocks'' are in the jar, and just waiting on the smaller parts to fill in the details. I will post the bill difference a few times this winter to show the effectiveness vs the investment. Depending on the price, requirements, and availability, I will replace the greenhouse plastic with glass, as the size and shapes become available.
The savings and complications of the greenhouse (in particular) are from the required construction (UBC?) definition of a ''appliance'', in that it is NOT attached to the primary structure. It is a ''stand alone complex'' that only touches the building, and does not require said building to support it.
The second potential money and style conservation is that the heat from the fire pit will warp and affect the cover plastic long before any (tempered/difficult to cut/shape) glass that may replace it. If that don't happen over a ordinary winter, then tempered glass should not be required for the heat sensitive areas (or some sort of plastic product may be substituted as well) to be approved in -a lot- of districts.
The large opening may be reduced for a shower door entrance, or fixed, depending on the complications, and the odd shaped sections will be plain glass stock, adjusted to size with extra scrap aluminum ''L'' angle extrusions to fit pre cut glass to the existing frame.
The north side heat transfer duct will still need a down duct to move the air from the collector without a motor by locating the exit close to the cold air exhaust from the heat pump. FYI, 1 hour after sunrise, the black coated door is 70F, and the deck is 45F, (40F outside/ambient temp).
I will post the spec results as the winter proceeds.
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Sick Call Tuesday'',
Well intended, or ''Rockefeller'' from the beginning?
... View More10-22-'24,
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Sick Call Tuesday'',
Well intended, or ''Rockefeller'' from the beginning?
I suppose we could go back to the ''Coke-Cola'' and the patent medicines of the turn of the 1900's, to find the start of this mess, but WW-2 ramp-ed up the abuse to a level I don't see before.
It looks to be the developing nations after the war had a real problem with disposal of the side effect chemical for the production of the new ''Wonders'' that were advertised to the public. It would appear that the emerging graduates were tasked with finding use for all the ''paid to haul away'' chemicals and leftovers from that adventure in volume production.
The prime example in the start would be the result of the manufacture of Ammonium Nitrate (and the result Florine) to make the US, the world food supply, with the preservatives required with it to facilitate shipping. The people forced to agree (I presume) were hoping that the population would adapt.
Let's list the open discussion / fact find-able replaced materials:
Salt and High blood pressure; The initial studies (before policy) showed that -5 times- the normal salt intake made healthier bodies. Squelched to such an amount that the sodium required for the kidneys pumps was completely ignored.
Butter, Lard, Bacon, and plant seed oils/margarine; There is a chart (on wimkin today) that shows the chemical we don't want here. BTW, isn't Arsenic a plant seed oil? ''Natural'' don't mean healthy.
Sugar and honey. Sugar is now indicated in Alzheimer's as well as the obvious weight problems. Aspartame has been tagged for Autism, but the study of the preggers' moms may be tainted with the vax schedule (those moms would use both).
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Sick Call Tuesday'',
part – 2.
The water supply indicates that slightly alkali may be better than acid in cancer rates (look it up) and the prostate problems from alkali later may be countered by Iodine supplements. The ''preservatives'' used for very long term storage/transport don't help either (don't by boxes). The real problem we face now (for a number of reasons) is population -DENSITY-,!Not the total amount! We need to rid ourselves of the urban center -FEED LOTS-! (and all the others as well).
While we are still down on the farm, the veterinarian meds used have already been animal tested with decades of results. Clinical approval should now only take months for most that may work. Just the parasite ''prescriptions'' replacement is overwhelming. ALUM!! and hydrogen peroxide paste for everything through snakebite(??) works???
No admin will want to rebuild their entire factory distribution foundation, but think of the decades of simple production that can be profited with this return of the comprehension of these basic chems that we have ignored for the past few. No complicated testing for approval, legal complications gone, production simple, bees and farm soil robust. (and, the labor will do twice the work to build their own little Idaho).
Alum power
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Hillbilly Friday'',
(pics on wimkin)
... View More10-18-'24,
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Hillbilly Friday'',
(pics on wimkin)
Minority Report,
Got a lot of progress, and I also got a about a week to finish the remaining (reliable). The material (sans some fasteners, etc.) are all piled up in adjacent locations (it's a method), waiting to be buckled down in the permanent fixations.
Some of the old construction will have to be redone. The heat collector will work better without the 4'' ABS tube, and the spacing of the roof deck trusses are too far apart for comfort with age (will now be 15'' for the insulation boost) but I may use some of the 5'' ducting to boost the heat area -collection-.
The plastic is just currently set in place to help remove the shipping folds, and MOST of this is running red line on UBC code, but this is an appliance (heat recovery)and any overheat dangerous to the close wood has a paper sticker on it to provide a over heat warning, that should never happen with the distance and size of the tube (expanded after fire pit exhaust).The most critical area of the recovery is close to the plastic and provide earlier warning if the flame limit gets above the grill.
I still have some ''freezer locker door plastic strip'' that I may attach under the heat distribution tube for better efficiency, but I need to see if the greenroom wants to melt first. In any easy pass construction, one will require treated glass close to any fire or water and glass for all the rest, but that snit is expensive (even salvaged). The view kinda sucks with the plastic as well. The pics show the morning sun contact on the ''machinery''.
Speaking of which, I may set the outside water faucet on the east side of the pile ó rocks, for the morning reliability, but the west is a better access, and I usually don't get up that early. I need to drizzle the mud insulation early enough so that the remaining water has dried out before it freeze drys, and becomes the opposite of insulation for the water supply.
''Jesus is a friend of mine'', Wicca.
A Good Goat will do that (old jury selection joke)
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
(pic on wimkin)
... View MoreA Good Goat will do that (old jury selection joke)
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
(pic on wimkin)
Since yesterday's column was such a sensation (depends on how you adjust the still suit), let me go into a few other things that would make a whole world of people better off, easy to do, don't hurt no -F-reaking body, and were left behind by ''people that do'' and forgotten by a press that ''gotta get that deadline''!
Submarines. Regardless of how it is generated (steam or internal combustion), a catch of reserve energy can make the entire operation of the machine more effective. That is not the objective of the administration of ''Detroit''. There reason for being is to absorb gas before anyone else can use it. That still don't explain ''Tucker, a Man and His Dream'' (the movie) however. It was 10 years before the automakers adapted his ideas into production (and not because they stole them or had difficulty adapting the production line to new specs).
BTW, it is illegal to produce a car that get more than 75 MPG.
Sign wave match silicon (AC power transmission) has been reliable since the '70's, making home generation into the grid effective and available. (only on a wholesale rate though/have to pay for all the infrastructure from the fueled utility generators). With the -presumed- required- main line circuit breakers in place, it would be the only parts of cities that have to deal with power outages. But ''they'' don't tell ya that.
OH! And then there was/is the great push to make America the world's food store with Ammonium Nitrate and mono culture farms! Like their shit don't stink. Terra Petra. Look it up, before the fields become ass fault.
etc. etc. etc...
Anyway, the pic. How complicated would it be to put a connection on the front of 4WD (mostly) for the handling of trailers (etc.) in a way that can be used for other effective equipment as well.
''They decided to go another way''.
And they ain't coming back.
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution''
Sick Call Tuesday
(pic on wimkin)
... View More10-15-'24,
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution''
Sick Call Tuesday
(pic on wimkin)
I went to the gym (25 years) to play on the equipment.
How are your ''stunt persons'' protected? Talk to my cousin -Elon- about NON powered body support carbon fibre with the advanced com sensory enhancement system. It won't let you bend harmful. But one can carry 200(?) lbs laterally (not much human frame stress when supported), like running a 10K.
Pop quiz hot shots:
10,000 -powered- units sold at extraordinary empty dollars before the lithium supply dries up,
Or, 200,000,000 (+) units sold as unpowered support structure for human hazard and transport conditions (enhanced powered perception com standard)?
You don't support the ''suit''. It supports you. You just move around inside the definitions. It grabs the soft tissue (sans head), with the correct amount of -measured and tested- pressure from a leather(?) interior. The correct hydraulics; the pressure points could be focused to improve the body system while moving as well.
Space won't let me get into the applications for disabled, vets (24% Admin fee ''Wounded Warriors''???), aged, cops, construction, two team military with the trigger carting 100 lbs of quick ammo (tanks suck), soft tissue focused development, new sports, and exo-biology.
The head/helmet should have something like a seat belt stop motion for impact, that locks the entire assembly to the ground. One wouldn't want to drive, or use the equipment in normal human activity, but a good saddle is a requirement for cattle.
Example. A pedo raid. They have to remain in normal dress to do that job. The cops can carry all the ammo they can use, with a 10(?) person team working ''call of duty'' observation from the head cams to ''UPPER RIGHT'' back to the operator on the hazard the op may not see.
Let me be frank. The whole ''wondrous advancement'' being promoted by Trump and the Gang just reminds me of the ''Afternoon Soaps'' for the 300.
Somebody had to say it.
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Hillbilly Friday'',
(pics on wimkin)
... View More10-11-'24,
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Hillbilly Friday'',
(pics on wimkin)
Just showing the size and pattern of the truck and trailer for the Towable/Floatable(?) presented for FEMA and the mil. Ind. to stuff somewhere (''Top Men''). You will notice that the trailer is a ''Walmart Special'' and about as cheap and delicate as can be made for their requirements.
That's OK.
The trailer only has to support / transport the float tubes and the attached tubes.
The float tubes (and the support tubing) support the truck on the water.
Don't wait for me to work out the details on this. I -may- have enough momentum to get something on the water next summer.
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