The times we are living in today are the exact reason the Wimkin platform was born.
The Left will stop at nothing to advance their evil agenda of eradicating God from the world, programming our child... View MoreThe times we are living in today are the exact reason the Wimkin platform was born.
The Left will stop at nothing to advance their evil agenda of eradicating God from the world, programming our children at their most vulnerable age to welcome and worship filth, pushing Socialism that is proven to not only fail but destroy nations, and promoting hate and division on levels collectively unlike the world has ever seen. The Left is the Mainstream Media, Big Tech, politicians, educators and criminals all working together whose reach cover over 90% of the United States. Three words sum them up: Evil. Tenacious. Dangerous.
If you think the last 7 years were bad, I can promise you, 2024 isn't going to be any better. In fact, it will likely get worse through November of 2024 as their desperation increasingly grows when their efforts continue to fail.
The United States under Trump was at its peak: We as a people were thriving on nearly every facet of humanity. Our wallets were fat and continued to grow wider with the promotion of jobs and the cost of daily living and supply and demand dropping. Gas was low and food prices were lower. Our retirement accounts and financial markets were performing in record growth. The only way to stop the positive results we all were living witness to, was to derail it all through a coordinated effort.
Enter the largest false flag operation the world has ever seen: Covid. Enter the fear mongering with the "live death trackers" on every news station as if heart monitors were connected to news station control rooms. Enter the division of family and life-long friendships over masking and Covid beliefs. Enter social distancing. Enter the lockdowns. Enter the lies. Now, insert George Floyd after America was just digging out of the loss of their livelihoods and shaking off forced cabin fever. Enter the riots where those brainwashed by the Left murdered their fellow citizens in blind rage, attempted to murder federal officials, looted and destroyed their communities and destroyed Washington D.C. on LIVE TV but were revered by the Mainstream Media dubbing it all as "mostly peaceful." These criminals were cheered on and assisted by Big Tech and backed by funding operations through political ties to the Left that let them all go unpunished - RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES. Double standards and the promotion of chaos and disorder quickly became the norm. Enter the deadly, unresearched vaccines. Enter the "insurrection." Now, enter the Israel / Hamas war that's rapidly escalating to WW3 just in time for 2024.
It took Covid and massive election fraud to remove Trump from office. Now, after an alleged and orchestrated "insurrection" of the Left's own devise, three malicious, vindictive and far-fetched prosecutions of Trump, Colorado and Minnesota are attempting to keep Trump off of their ballots in the Primary elections and General election in 2024. The question I want you all to ask and answer yourselves is why.
As stated above, it is about to get worse as their desperation grows. We all lived through an unprecedented attack on humanity. Some were broken by it. Some did not survive it.
If you are reading these words, you've advanced through the war they've thrusted upon you. Now it is our time to wage war at the ballot boxes and precincts and through FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Free speech is where the fight to take our lives back begins and is won.
I urge you all to get out and vote even if you think it's a lost cause. I also ask that each and every one of you invite those you know to Wimkin and to support us anyway you can.
We have one year.
God bless you all.