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Amy Cerato

Female. Lives in Oklahoma, United States. Is married.
Union Of Three Percenter American Patriots
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United States Constitution
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The Truth About Vaccines
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Covid-19 and Coronavirus
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Amy Cerato
New viruses typically mutate into less deadly variants over time, and eventually becomes endemic, like influenza. We expect that case fatality rates will decrease with time. When vaccination is intro... View More
Amy Cerato
This is an excellent article on the benefits of ivermectin use for C19 as prophylaxis, early out-patient therapy and in-hospital care..... and how the government has gone on a misinformation campaign ... View More
Amy Cerato
When 95% of your population is vaccinated, and yet your caseload is 5 times higher than it was when no one was vaccinated, wouldn't you think people would stop and ask some questions about the efficac... View More
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Amy Cerato
Can someone also please explain how to copy and paste hyperlinks (or actually any text) into the status bar? I've tried for several months now and the only way I can get links into my status to share is to physically type them in. That is a huge time waster for me! I'd share more if I could copy ... View More
September 7, 2021
Amy Cerato
Amy Cerato replied - 1 reply
That is the ASCII command for no apostrophe. Get used to avoiding contractions. ie: I am, do not etc. Type the word apostrophe in a search engine to learn more.
September 7, 2021
Shane 🇺🇲
You would think people would question this but when the sheep believe everything they hear on Corporate Media News there's no hope for them.
September 9, 2021 Edited
Amy Cerato
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Amy Cerato
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Amy Cerato
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