A man or woman cannot be destroyed until you destroy their souls. It's the soul which makes you human otherwise you're just a simple beast. This is why you shouldn't fear anything in the world which... View MoreA man or woman cannot be destroyed until you destroy their souls. It's the soul which makes you human otherwise you're just a simple beast. This is why you shouldn't fear anything in the world which can only destroy the body, but rather only fear God who can destroy the soul.
The Democrat Party is a Godless Satanic Religion working in conjunction with the United Nations and other Globalist Organizations whose agendas are based on their belief there is no God and therefore ... View MoreThe Democrat Party is a Godless Satanic Religion working in conjunction with the United Nations and other Globalist Organizations whose agendas are based on their belief there is no God and therefore no good or evil. Evil to them is anything which opposes them and good is anything they envision for their Utopian Government. They embrace death and life the same just as they embrace Homosexuality and Heterosexuality as the same. They do not condemn anything which pushes their Agenda to include the destruction of the economies, genocide, abortion and even releasing viruses on the public. In their minds everything is amoral and relative to achieve their ends. The more power they acquire the more ruthless they will become to maintain it
Life on this Earth is not your purpose or design nor the end of your journey. It's your starting point of an eternal destiny with God the day you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. We have eternal p... View MoreLife on this Earth is not your purpose or design nor the end of your journey. It's your starting point of an eternal destiny with God the day you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. We have eternal purposes not temporal and what we will become has not even be realized nor imagined. So, this existence is simply a veil which covers what is soon to be revealed, but those with faith can see through the veil while others who have no faith cannot. Life does not begin until the veil is removed and all can see the Glory of God with their own eyes
America has changed and so those Americans who perceive they are fighting for America against her enemies will soon come to realize they are now fighting against America and they are now the enemies.
The Day is Evil not Good and so the Christian will not find his rest in this world, but in Jesus Christ. The world is a raging sea so it's no place to find comfort for the soul nor peace for the mi... View MoreThe Day is Evil not Good and so the Christian will not find his rest in this world, but in Jesus Christ. The world is a raging sea so it's no place to find comfort for the soul nor peace for the mind. Remain sober and vigilant and put on the whole armor of God or the sea shall drown you with sorrows and dash you against the rocks. These are spiritual words for spiritual people who don't live by sight nor lean to their own understanding.
Don't be fooled, the world is not a place you can make better since God has cursed it and it's end is destruction. The world is not a place where all your dreams will come true, but rather a place ... View MoreDon't be fooled, the world is not a place you can make better since God has cursed it and it's end is destruction. The world is not a place where all your dreams will come true, but rather a place where nightmares are realized and where death reigns over the living. The world is a dangerous place where security and protection is sought and where men defend themselves with guns and walls and armies. The world is not your friend, but your enemy and Jesus Christ came not only to separate you from the world, but that you might overcome it and be rescued from it. Love not the world nor the things in it which serve only to satisfy the lusts of the flesh and eyes and the pride of man. Walk in this world as harmless as doves, but wise as serpents because your enemy the Devil is the ruler of this world and controls those who love it.
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