The Democrat Party is a Godless Satanic Religion working in conjunction with the United Nations and other Globalist Organizations whose agendas are based on their belief there is no God and therefore ... View MoreThe Democrat Party is a Godless Satanic Religion working in conjunction with the United Nations and other Globalist Organizations whose agendas are based on their belief there is no God and therefore no good or evil. Evil to them is anything which opposes them and good is anything they envision for their Utopian Government. They embrace death and life the same just as they embrace Homosexuality and Heterosexuality as the same. They do not condemn anything which pushes their Agenda to include the destruction of the economies, genocide, abortion and even releasing viruses on the public. In their minds everything is amoral and relative to achieve their ends. The more power they acquire the more ruthless they will become to maintain it
How do you fight a beast? You can't reason with a beast nor befriend a beast so you can only destroy a beast or cage it. The Democrats are becoming more and more like animals than humans made in the image of God