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Female. Born on August 11, 1993.
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Alfred w Yaney
Please watch and if you want to share please do. I was a troop. Do we really? "SUPPORT THE TROOPS". Am I not worthy of justice? I know that my America. Tgat I grew up in. Was so much better than thi... View More
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A Patriots words… listen to him…
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Alfred w Yaney
The vaccines are designed to kill people and REMEMBER THAT THE MOST DEADLY VACCINES WERE SENT TO THE RED STATES.
Alfred w Yaney
Nurnburg trials after World War 2 made it internationally ILLEGAL TO INJECT UNKNOWN CHEMICALS IN THE HUMAN BODY WITHOUT CONSENT. THIS IS THE "INFORMED CONSENT" when Pfizer wanted 70 years to release t... View More
Alfred w Yaney
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Alfred w Yaney
This is why my daughter improves her Star Spangled Banner singing.
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