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Marcus Wiggers

Male. Lives in Vaughan, Canada. Born on October 30, 1975. Is single.
Canadian Freedom Matters
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Canadians 4 Trump ????
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Politics and Elections
Canadian Patriots
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Marcus Wiggers
Marcus Wiggers
Marcus Wiggers
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Marcus Wiggers
updated his cover photo.
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Marcus Wiggers
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Marcus Wiggers
To my fellow Canadians (even the Chicken Shiy Snowflakes) WAKE UP already! This is how Your Canadian Government is treating Canadians coming home with a negative test result for a Fake Virus that has... View More
Marcus Wiggers
And so it begins! The world needs to wake up. This is downright bullying behavior from our government's! A STOP ? to actions such as this needs to be done by the people for the people. Stories such as... View More
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Marcus Wiggers
Marcus Wiggers
Marcus Wiggers
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Marcus Wiggers
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Marcus Wiggers
As a Canadian, I can say this isn't gonna end Well.... This is some fuck up bullshit.. This only means thousands of jobs lost on both sides if this goes through, direct labor and sub direct. But on t... View More
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We will have to take america back from that stupid bastard.he' s told everything to do because hes just a puppet.it will take civil war to save us.
January 21, 2021
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